What should I say about the psych ward?

2014-12-30 1:59 am
I was recently admitted to the child psychiatric ward at my hospital for suicidal thoughts. I was planning to hang myself. Anyways, I m back and in a few days I m having a discussion with some of my favourite teachers about my experience there. They know it was like hell on earth for me so they just wanted to give me a chance to talk about it to someone because I don t want to talk to my parents about my experiences there. I know most of what I m going to say, however, I have a question about one thing. I get night terrors occasionally and while I was in the hospital I got one and I ended up wetting my bed a little bit because of it. I have not wet the bed in 9 years. My nurse was a total witch and yelled at me and called me a baby and gave me a real hassle for it, even though I told her it was caused by fear and it was uncontrollable. Anyways, this was one of the things that made my stay so horrible because it made me very upset and embarrassed and my self esteem was already pretty low. I m just wondering if I should tell my teachers about this incident when I tell them about everything that happened while I was there (they specifically said I could tell them about what made it so awful)? It was pretty emotional so I think it s important to talk about it with somebody. Should I tell them? What do you think they will say/how will they react? If your student told you something like that, how would you react? Would you be embarrassed? I m in high school.

回答 (2)

2014-12-30 5:45 am
You should tell them what you feel comfortable telling, no more. You could probably work the experience into an essay for one of your English/rhetoric or social science classes. The explanatory notes for your question were actually a pretty good essay as written.
2014-12-30 3:54 am
I would not talk about that to the teachers. I would only talk to a therapist or doctor since they are bound by law to keep everything confidential. This is a very personal and private matter. You don't want to be freaking out later on wondering of you've made a mistake by giving out too much personal information. Play it safe.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 01:01:41
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