If the Confederate flag is racist because of slavery, what other symbols are bigoted?

2014-12-29 9:46 pm
Is the Nazi flag racist because of the Holocaust? Is it anti-home-schooling because the Nazis banned homeschooling?
Are things that represent the Taliban racist because of the Hazara genocide?
Are things that represent Pol Pot racist because he committed genocide against ethnic Chinese in Cambodia?

I don't justify slavery, but if the Confederate flag is bad, then those other things have to be bad too. So if the Confederate flag is offensive to blacks, then the Nazi flag is offensive to Jews, Slavs, Gypsies, Jehovah's Witnesses, and homeschoolers. Taliban symbols are then offensive to Hazaras. And so on.

回答 (7)

2014-12-29 10:21 pm
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I don't see how a flag can be racist, people may take offense at it but people take offense at many things even when they aren't meant to be offensive. Things that represent the CSA aren't necessarily racist because many men who fought for the CSA were only doing so because they saw it as defense of their state which they viewed as their country. If one links slavery and racism to the Confederate flag they should also link it to the Union flag as well since there were slave states in the Union too.
2014-12-29 10:09 pm
The Nazi flag is both offensive and racist, as the Nazi flag stands as a symbol for a state that considered racism as one of its official and most important principles.

The Confederate flag is rather similar - the CSA was founded for the purposes of "protecting" the institution of slavery, which was essentially racist by its nature practices. Slavery, and specifically black slavery and white supremacy (which is what the Confederate leaders themselves said when they seceded), were the founding principles of the CSA.
2014-12-29 9:49 pm
Jews do not comprise a "race," but the Nazi flag is certainly anti-Semitic and is regarded as extremely offensive whenever it is displayed. Other groups persecuted by the Nazis also regard it as offensive. Displaying it is considered to be akin to hate speech.

You may be sure that in certain places, other symbols are indeed regarded as offensive. Not necessarily "racist," because the mistreated people do not comprise a race, but deeply and intensely offensive and insulting.

Why does that surprise you?

The Confederate flag represents people who fought to keep black people in slavery. How can you possibly imagine that black people wouldn't be deeply offended by it?
2014-12-30 5:28 pm
If a symbol or flag is offensive to a group or groups of people, it does not necessarily follow that another symbol or flag is offensive to another group that is a logical fallacy.
2014-12-31 6:49 am
I am a Brown man and Just Purchased a new CSA flag it is My Protest against to much Government

Just Like the Civil war was Only about States Rights and had Nothing to do with Slavery Lee went to war after he Released his and Grant still had slaves 12 Months after the war

I would like to list many of the crimes committed by Lincoln and his Administration.

Also Lincoln's Violations of the US Constitution.

The Presidential oath of office that Lincoln swore to was "to preserve, protect and defend" the Constitution of the US.

I apologize up front for truthful, accurate, factual posts here that may hurt any Lincoln fan's feelings...

Secession of states was not prohibited by the US Constitution at that time. Therefore it was completely legal...

#1 Lincoln ordered the military blockade of Southern ports.

This an act of war.

Only Congress can do that.

At that time Lincoln certainly violated the US Constitution.

#2 Lincoln ordered hundreds of Northern newspapers who dared to speak out against him to be shut down. And their owners and editors were arrested for disloyalty.

This is a clear violation of the 1st Amendment of the Constitution that Lincoln swore to uphold.

#3 Lincoln ordered the arrest of Ohio Congressman Clement Vallandigham for the crime of speaking out against him.

Can you imagine that?

#4 Ex parte Merryman,

Chief Justice of the US Roger Taney, sitting as a judge of the United States Circuit Court for the District of Maryland, ruled that Lincoln had violated the US Constitution when he illegally suspended the Writ of Habeas Corpus.

After hearing this Lincoln signed an arrest warrant to have the Chief Justice of the US arrested.

#5 US Constitution Article lll...

Section 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them.

Lincoln committed treason.

Lincoln waged war upon his own country. Unless one considers secession legal and the Confederacy was a sovereign nation.

#6 Lincoln sent Union troops door to door in areas of Maryland, a Union state, to confiscate weapons.

This is a clear violation of the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution.


Many Constitutional violations against Maryland

'Maryland my Maryland' was published calling Lincoln a tyrant and a despot and a vandal.

Lincoln as already mentioned, trashed the Constitution by suspending the Writ of Habeas Corpus and sending troops door to door confiscating weapons in areas of Maryland.

Maryland was a Union state.

Lincoln ordered the arrest of thousands Marylanders for the crime of 'suspected Southern sympathies'.

Lincoln ordered the arrest of US Congressman Henry May representing Maryland. #7

Lincoln also had arrested...

Most of the Maryland State Legislature #8

Most of the Baltimore city council #9

The police commissioner of Baltimore #10

The mayor of Baltimore #11

Thousands of prominent Maryland citizens. #12

These people were arrested and held in Military prisons, without trial, some of them for years.

This trashing of the Constitution upset many Marylanders. One of them was named Booth.

Committing so many crimes against Maryland would end up giving Lincoln a big "headache".


April 25 1861, When it looks as though Maryland may secede from the Union, Lincoln sends a letter to General Winfield Scott giving him permission to bombard Maryland's Cities.

This war criminal Lincoln couldn't wait to bombard innocent civilians. We call that Terrorism these days.

#13 Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation. to keep the British and french out of the war

This is a direct violation of the US Constitution and the US Supreme Courts decision on the matter.

#14 The Lincoln administration allowed the taking of private property for public use without just compensation or due process of law.

This is a clear violation of the 5th Amendment.

A prime example is the Union army stealing Robert E Lees home, Arlington House, which they used as Headquarters.

Since dead Union soldiers were stacking up like cordwood, they started burying them in Lee's yard. There were so many Union soldiers graves here, this was to become Arlington National Cemetery.

#15 The Lincoln Administration routinely used water torture against the thousands of Union prisoners arrested and jailed without trail.

This violates the 8th Amendment,

"Cruel and unusual punishment".

#16 Lincoln was Commander-in-Chief of an Army whose invasion of the South resulted in the deaths of 50,000 Southern civilians.

and people today call the racist liar and Bigot Honest Abe

yes and i am a white man
2014-12-29 9:47 pm
I think you are confusing racist with offensive
2014-12-29 9:49 pm
Do you know non Neo-Nazis who don't find the Nazi flag to be offensive, outside of historic context(as in showing it existed)? As to Pol Pot, my understanding was he planned to kill off most of Cambodia and it had nothing to do with them being Chinese, it had to do with his plans for the nation.

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