Scientist claim that Moon is too huge to be a satellite of Earth and it is hollow. So was moon placed there by some advanced civilisation?

2014-12-28 6:53 pm

回答 (24)

2014-12-31 12:28 am
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I don't know about it being put there but I believe that there are already aliens there. It's strange how they tried like hell to get to the moon all those years ago. Yet now, when it would be so much easier, they stay away. I believe that they were warned off the moon by who ever built those structures. They told us the moon was nothing but dust and rocks. When they were orbiting the moon, they could see for miles in all directions. That being so, why would they need a car, capable of travelling 10 miles and back on the next visit. They could not make an accurate landing, and knew they may be miles away from something they wanted to see. I think it was the ship that is there and can be seen now by the public with modern equipment. In an arid nothing but dust world, why else go to the trouble of taking a bloody electric car. Was it to see more dust? That is where the female body came from. It was transported to the ship on the car, and brought here. That's my guess.
2014-12-28 7:35 pm
"Scientist claim that Moon is too huge to be a satellite of Earth"


"and it is hollow."


"So was moon placed there by some advanced civilisation?"


Hope that helps!
2014-12-28 11:02 pm
No legitimate scientist has ever claimed either of these things. Though the Moon is larger in relation to its primary than any other moon, it is not the largest moon: Ganymede and Titan are larger. No one but crackpots have ever claimed that the Moon is hollow.
2014-12-28 7:29 pm
Scientists make no such claim. There are names for people who believe this but none of them are flattering.
2014-12-28 8:18 pm
Seismic probes at the Apollo landing sites demonstrated that the Moon is not hollow.
2014-12-29 1:05 am
Scientists don't claim the moon is too big to be a satellite of Earth and that it's hollow. That is the claim of uneducated conspiracy theorists, not logical scientists.

There is no SCIENTIFIC evidence the moon is anything other than a natural satellite of the Earth.

If you have evidence that says otherwise, cite your reliable and peer-reviewed sources.
2014-12-28 7:22 pm
That is not true - no "scientist" has asserted such a thing.
2014-12-28 8:00 pm
Other scientist claim that Moon is huge chunk of rock. Natural satellite. Solid right through. He also say we are alone and no other civilisation exist. Him clever man. No bull from him. Got many many friend. Mislead you no. Him should be listen to.

2014-12-29 1:31 am
Hollow? I've never heard any Scientist claim that...
2014-12-28 9:47 pm
no, i read on, that the moon was originally a part of the earth, and that then it was torn from the earth by contact with a free-roaming object. then according to the theory of jeans instability, it was solidified into a sphere like earth, but smaller.
Earth is around 60 million years older than previously thought -- and so is the moon, new research finds
June 10, 2014
Source:European Association of Geochemistry
The timing of the giant impact between Earth's ancestor and a planet-sized body occurred around 40 million years after the start of solar system formation. This means that the final stage of Earth's formation is around 60 million years older than previously thought, according to new research.
New isotopic evidence supporting moon formation via Earth collision with planet-sized body
Date:June 5, 2014
Source:European Association of Geochemistry
A new series of measurements of oxygen isotopes provides increasing evidence that the moon formed from the collision of the Earth with another large, planet-sized astronomical body, around 4.5 billion years ago.
a new series of measurements of oxygen isotopes provides increasing evidence that the Moon formed from the collision of Earth with another large, planet-sized astronomical body, around 4.5 billion years ago.

This work will be published in Science on 6th June, and will be presented to the Goldschmidt geochemistry conference in California on 11th June.

Most planetary scientists believe that the Moon formed from an impact between Earth and a planet-sized body, which has been given the name Theia. Efforts to confirm that the impact had taken place had centered on measuring the ratios between the isotopes of oxygen, titanium, silicon and others. These ratios are known to vary throughout the solar system, but their close similarity between Earth and Moon conflicted with theoretical models of the collision that indicated that the Moon would form mostly from Theia, and thus would be expected to be compositionally different from Earth.

Now a group of German researchers, led by Dr. Daniel Herwartz, have used more refined techniques to compare the ratios of 17O/16O in lunar samples, with those from Earth. The team initially used lunar samples which had arrived on Earth via meteorites, but as these samples had exchanged their isotopes with water from Earth, fresher samples were sought. These were provided by NASA from the Apollo 11, 12 and 16 missions; they were found to contain significantly higher levels of 17O/16O than their Earthly counterparts.

Dr Herwartz said "The differences are small and difficult to detect, but they are there. This means two things; firstly we can now be reasonably sure that the Giant collision took place. Secondly, it gives us an idea of the geochemistry of Theia. Theia seems to have been similar to what we call E-type chondrites.If this is true, we can now predict the geochemical and isotopic composition of the Moon, because the present Moon is a mixture of Theia and the early Earth. The next goal is to find out how much material of Theia is in the Moon."

Most models estimate that the Moon it is composed of around 70% to 90% material from Theia, with the remaining 10% to 30% coming from the early Earth. However, some models argue for as little as 8% Theia in the Moon. Dr Herwartz said that the new data indicate that a 50:50 mixture seems possible, but this needs to be confirmed.

The team used an advanced sample preparation technique before measuring the samples via stable isotope ratio mass spectrometry, which showed a 12 parts per million (± 3 ppm) difference in 17O/16O ratio between Earth and Moon.

Story Source:

The above story is based on materials provided by European Association of Geochemistry. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.
Earth is around 60 million years older than previously thought -- and so is the moon, new research finds
June 10, 2014
Source:European Association of Geochemistry
The timing of the giant impact between Earth's ancestor and a planet-sized body occurred around 40 million years after the start of solar system formation. This means that the final stage of Earth's formation is around 60 million years older than previously thought, according to new research.
2014-12-29 9:47 am
What "scientist" is that, then?
Not me. Not any of my many scientist friends.

Still, if you look around, you can find someone calling themselves a scientist who will claim the earth is hollow and populated down there by aliens (perhaps he can hear them?) - that the earth is flat - that they have flown around in spaceships - that the Mayans predicted the end of the earth.

Whatever scientist you refer to has probably been affected by the mind rays being beamed from Mars.
2014-12-28 8:53 pm
Its a bigger chance that the Moon is artifical than that its natural.So,i think that there is a big chance that the Moon is built by an advanced civilization.Also,there is a decent amount of proof for that.
2014-12-29 5:56 am
No scientist ever said that.
2014-12-28 8:49 pm
Then why aren't we living inside the Moon?
Think about it.
2014-12-28 8:31 pm
no REAL scientist claims that
2014-12-29 4:20 pm
Are you really serious, or is this question just trolling?
2014-12-28 8:45 pm
perhaps this is the source of your claim:

interesting I suppose, in the same way a train wreck is interesting. scientifically it's complete nonsense.
2014-12-30 10:39 am
Then why aren't we living inside the Moon?
Think about it.
2014-12-29 11:22 pm
The moon is part of the vast planetary system......!!
2014-12-28 10:30 pm
During the collision the Earth inherited most of the metal cores, so the moon has little.
2014-12-28 9:09 pm
Some say the moon is a big chunk of cheese...................
2014-12-28 8:59 pm
Yes. It was placed there by the Clangers, with the help of the Soup Dragon.
2014-12-29 4:26 am
I'm thinking about living inside a 2000 mile cavern inside the Moon. Essentially no gravity, so I would need a propulsion module with a reliable range of 2000 miles, plus food, water, oxygen and other essentials. The shell would need to be made of something a million times stronger that steel other wise it would probably implode killing me.
2014-12-29 3:13 am
my best guess to that is, the moon is a reflection of part of our planet that can only be reached by going to space and then re-enter earths bottom, or on of earths bottoms.
2014-12-28 6:55 pm
somebody kicked nasa off the moon maybe theyre living there

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