how can I be a more supportive husband. my wife says she is no longer interested in putting up with me?

2014-12-27 5:35 pm
My wife gladly took over all the conventional feminine duties of the house when we got married like cooking, cleaning, doing the dishes, fetching groceries and other stuff. We both work but I have been putting longer hours and I make more money than her so I thought that I was doing my job of the breadwinner well. Now she says I no longer open doors, pull out chairs for her and the chivalry in me is dead. Now i can't be treating her like a princess all the time.
Last evening she had to go to her office for an urgent piece of work. She wanted me to drive and pick her up ( as it was late) . I refused because I already had loads of work to finish besides she should learn to take care of herself. she was in tears because of my response and i have been put in the doghouse.
Now who do you think is justified here?? If i am in the wrong then what should I do to make her happy. Thanks for the patient reading

回答 (6)

2014-12-27 5:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
She is your WIFE. The woman you fell in love with and promised to take care of. You are a MAN who should protect her and cherish her. My husband would have kindly driven me to the office and picked me up again, no questions asked. He does not treat me like a "princess" and I don't act like a "princess" either. But he would never want me out alone at night if I even hinted at being "worried" or "scared." So, in my humble but accurate opinion you were in the wrong. You can change this by changing your ridiculous behavior. LOVE her, PROTECT her, and CHERISH her. Frigging make dinner tonight! Buy her flowers! Put gas in her car and check the air in her tires! Open the door for her, pull out her chair, and never stop courting her!! Actions speak louder than words my friend. And it's going to take time before she really believes you, or trusts you again. So, be a MAN!! Sheesh, I want to slap you upside the head.
2014-12-27 7:41 pm
So she works a full time job but because she makes less money than you she has to act like your housekeeper, mother, homemaker, shopper, cook and scapegoat without making any demands or have her own requirements?

What would happen if she started making more money than you do? Would that mean you'd have to do the cooking, cleaning, shopping, laundry and expect nothing in return? Servitude for services?
2014-12-28 12:35 am
Based on what you've posted, I have a hard time seeing her fault in this. You both work full time (how much money you each make really is irrelevant in my opinion if you're both working full time), but she takes care of all the duties at home. So what else do you do? You aren't the "breadwinner" if she's working and contributing financially too, unless you pay 100% of ALL bills and she simply puts her money into an account that's in her name only and is only used for items she wants to buy, never bills. So she gets the short end of the stick by working full time outside the home and full time inside the home. Then you won't even be bothered to help her feel secure and protected by taking her to work late at night for an urgent need because what you were doing was more important. At least that's how it reads.

You view opening doors and pulling out chairs as treating her like a princess all the time. Maybe she views washing your jockeys and cleaning up your dirty dishes as treating you like a prince all the time and she's fed up with it too.

What you should do to make her happy is #1 apologize. Sincerely. From the heart. And then make specific changes in your attitude and actions so she sees that you mean it. Either share in the feminine duties or allow her to quit her job. Hold doors, pull chairs, give her tokens of appreciation, thank her for doing things that you think are just her "duties", and be the man she married.
2014-12-27 7:39 pm
Sorry, you are in the wrong. You can certainly help out around the house, and be a little more thoughtful when speaking to your wife. I work some long hours too, but so does my wife. We both share the responsibilities of keeping the home together, shopping, cleaning, cooking etc. If my wife asked her to drive her to work and pick her up because it was late, and she was uncomfortable, I would do it without thinking about it.
2015-06-11 1:45 am
could be the end is near
2014-12-27 5:42 pm
The doghouse is not comfortable ayt any time !!
Your wife is reflecting on all those "little things" you used to do beforeyou were married, and obviously misses the attention.
Although she assumed responsibility of the chores, she hoped you would lend a hand if only occasionally.
The best way forward is to have an open dscussion as to what she expects from you given your extended workload. If her hours are equal to yours, then you may have to have temporary shelter in the doghouse.

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