Why don't wives have sex with their husbands?

2014-12-27 2:00 am
Is just seems like that's what the media and everything says, that wives don't have sex and if you get married, you'll never have sex. Why?

回答 (73)

2014-12-27 2:38 am
I think women only have sex with men so they can lure them into marriage and obtain security. Why else would women want to have sex? Since my wedding, I don't remember my wife wanting sex. Every time I initiate, the excuses is all I hear. And its been 8 years since she has ever done the honors. And as a man, I have done everything, work 40 hrs a week, keep wife happy, do the chores, set up date nights, give her massages or surprise presents, take care of the kids, nothing. All that hard work down the drain.

I wonder if other men, when it comes to sex, are in the same boat as me?
Not that I am complaining, but just curious.
2014-12-27 2:26 am
Women have sex with their fiancés and husbands to get the things they want
The rings
The house keys
The binding contract entitling her to 1/2 or more of anything he owns
The kids and a guy legally obligated to pay for their support until they are 18 or older , regardless of whether the couple stays married or not .

Once she has all those things she has no reason to do all the hard , dirty work of having sex with her husband ,,,,, that is unless she wants something expensive for Valentines Day , an anniversary or a birthday .
參考: That's why it's best to leave her always wanting something .
2014-12-27 2:09 am
That's far from true. I've been married ten years and nothing has changed in our house. The media has a secular driven agenda these days which includes denigrating marriage. Married people tend to have more money live longer with a better quality of life. Marriage is a commitment and tends to dissolve only if the two people aren't committed to each other. I'd say the intimacy is 10000x better when you're married than dating because you've had ages to learn that persons preferences if you get my drift.
2014-12-27 5:04 am
It's step 1 of the demasculation process. Most women don't actually like having sex. They will have sex with an alpha male, however, it is only to show up the other bitchez.
Their goal is to kill their husband's sex drive, so they can go on with their lives and perceived queen status, without needing to do the work.
Thumbs down me if you want, but you all know damn well it's #1 on the divorce petition reasons list.
2014-12-27 4:51 pm
Women do want to have sex with their husbands, but men have to make sure their wives trust them. If a man ignores his wife all day then wants sex at bedtime, she should keep her self respect and not enable his bad behavior. Some men get married only because they think they will get to have sex anytime they want. Forget that this woman he should be grateful to have is a human being. She is someone's daughter, sister, granddaughter, and maybe even someone's mother. She is a person. She wants to know that she means more to you than just a vagina. Be her best friend. Be kind to her. I have heard many men say they don't know what women want. All we want is for you to be kind, mature and trustworthy. That is all. A woman knows when you really don't love her and it is her responsibility to treat herself with respect. Treat her the way you would want your own daughter treated. It isn't difficult guys. Just dig a little deeper. Women are tired of being in relationships with robots. Dig deeper. It doesn't emasculate you, it just makes you human. Women want men to be more human and loving, not fake tough guys. It's tough being in a relationship with a man like that. Be more transparent and you and your wife will have a wonderful sex life.
2014-12-27 2:13 am
Sex becomes routine after so many years of being with the same person. Couples must put an effort to be creative and/or open to experimenting to keep their sex life hot. Couples simply get comfortable and lack of sex may eventually not be an issue.
2014-12-27 2:01 am
Because wedding cake is a known contraceptive
2014-12-27 3:28 pm
Because.. Women want marriage.. Once married their goal is finished..the own half of his stuff..

That's all they want..

Then they have no reason to make their husband happy?
2014-12-28 8:31 pm
I don't know what the fuss is over I've heard the same thing marriage sex dies but in my marriage it is far from dead. I'm very sexually attracted to my husband I please him any time he wants it any way he wants it. I even seek him out and sometimes HE tells me no if he's had a long day at work. I enjoy being with my husband we have three kids and one on the way so I'm sure that's proof enough we are sexually active. The least amount of sex we have is once a week and that's a rarity I think the only reason some women stop having sex is because they are not satisfied sex life is dull and lack of orgasms on her part so maybe if you invest in her pleasure you'll get more sex
2014-12-28 8:35 am
Before marriage men take the time to romance their woman. After marriage a lot of men feel entitled to sex regardless of how they treat their wives. My husband thought he was hilarious when he made fun of my weight in front of his family when I was pregnant He also thought mooing and calling me a cow was funny when I was nursing our child. He also made sure to "compliment" me by telling me I looked like a whore when I tried a new hair color. We're still married but I hate going anywhere with him, don't enjoy talking to him, an BIG SURPRISE don't feel sexually attracted to him at all.

And as for all the guys commenting about their wives only wanting their money and the ring on their finger, where are these men? Most couples I know the wife makes more money and is better educated.

Anyway, if you want sex with your wife treat her nicely outside the bedroom. Remember the golden rule and treat her as you want to be treated.
2014-12-27 2:34 am
women think if they marry they only need to have sex if THEY feel like it which isn't very often and gets rarer , men's sex drive is totally different from that of women, after about 50 women are often incapable of having sex without artificial help as their hormone production drops off a cliff
2014-12-27 5:49 am
What planet are you guys on? On planet Earth where I live, the women are just as much (if not more) into sex than the men are! Especially if she has a good lover, a woman loves sex! Partial proof is all the questions here on Yahoo from women wanting to know about having sex. I am sure some of them are just from trolls messing with the site. But many of them are from women, young ones and mature ones, wanting to start having sex or to have more sex. Early in our marriage, both my wife and I had to be treated for "Honeymoon Cystosis" which is caused from having too much sex. We wisely slowed down after that, but soon, I was the one who had to come up with excuses to slow my wife down a bit. Women seem to have more capacity for sex than men and most of them really like it! Sex and other things can become routine and taken for granted in a marriage. This can lead to boredom and many couples decrease sexual activity after YEARS of marriage. It doesn't necessarily have to happen, but the pressures of having a life and earning a living take time and opportunity away from sexuality. Children and pregnancy slow women down a bit but many still are interested in sex. After child-bearing years, many women become horny all over again.

I am mostly retired and have more time and opportunity again and I am still very interested in sex. However, my wife is still working and very busy with things. Such is life.
2014-12-27 12:17 pm
Well, first of all, married couples have sex allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the time, if a wife doesn't have sex with her husband, it could be many reasons... she's insecure, she's upset with him, she's thinking too much... men just need to understand women better so that this doesn't become such a big issue
2014-12-27 5:14 am
I think women, in general, are not interested in sex as much as you think. I know for a fact that after pregnancy the sex dramatically declines and some men simply dream about it. Its no wonder I read so many questions on internet about men watching porn and women getting insecured. Why else would men do it even though we know for a fact that its revolting?
2014-12-27 4:05 am
Well that's definitely one of my reasons for not getting married
2014-12-27 11:05 am
If wives do not have sex with their husbands defintely they may be having extra maritial relationships with other men which is far from the truth. The sex drive of men are more powerful than that of women in general. This does not mean that wives do not have sex with their husbands. The frequency or the number of times they allow their husbands to have sex can be less compared to the desire of men to have sex.Sex is a biological need of both sexes .Hence it is a misinterpretation of a real situation . In the absence of sex a marriage will be an utter failurer . Before commenting media should have undertaken a proper research on the subject.
2014-12-27 4:50 am
It is the end result when the want a man to commit his life to her and forsake all others. When the marriage is consummated to forsake all others = celibacy for him but not so for her and but only unfulfilled promises of sex as a tool to control him and break his spirit. She still has sex but not with the man she deceived by creating an allusion of what he thought was to be. Did I mention the money you make will not be yours to spend? If you think after marriage you know all about her true nature wait until your divorce is over to get the real epiphany that Satan is a woman and you just escaped from Hell. You will be broke when its over but worth every penny.
參考: Former husband of Satan
2014-12-27 6:03 am
My wife has sex with me whereever, however and whenever ( except for maybe 2-3 days during the peak of her period. ) This frequency hasn't slowed even after 13 years of marriage. The secret is to be a good 2 points better looking than your partner. I'm a 8. She's a 6. She makes up the difference with lots to sex and oral. She's happy. I'm happy.
2014-12-27 4:46 am
I was married for 5yrs and my husband couldnt keep up with MY sex drive...probably what caused the divorce lol. It goes both ways people! it takes two to tango! both men and women need to spice things up. Keep it naughty and nice...but mostly naughty and it will make for a happy marriage. Also, men MUST realize that when you lose face on how you got your woman in the first place and you start to slack off on this, trust me, shes gonna start to slack of in other ways as well. Example, flowers, gifts, compliments, etc etc. just wooing her as you did before you got married. You dont slack, she doesnt slack, then your both guaranteed ultimate results.
參考: Personal life experience..and im sure my thumbs down will come from the YOUNG (18-20's), misinformed, delusional, egotistical males out there... open your eyes guys...
2014-12-28 1:57 pm
Don't believe all the garbage you read in the news or hear on the tv. If that was true in any instances, the wives would complain bitterly.

One of my friends has been married nearly 50 years (yes, fifty), and they are still as much in love with each other as they were when they first got married -- and they still have an active sex life.
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-12-29 3:44 pm
If I had to guess I'd go with same reason that trolls make up like 30 accounts and talk to themselves. Just look at "jim" and all of the comments on his answer... all the same loser living in mommy's basement.
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-12-28 7:58 pm
I don't know if this answers your question but my first wife asked me very seriously "F.... CAN WE LIVE LIKE BROTHER AND SISTER PLS !?"
My reply was a divorce, got rid of her and married a girl with whom I'm been so happy and with whom sex is never enough.... ( I'll give you living like brother and sister, LOL )
I personally cannot understand those who say that "love is not about sex". I believe it is ALSO about sex... and me a marriage with no sex is not a marriage at all...
The best sex one can have is sex within a loving relationship.
2014-12-27 11:32 pm
This is my take on it. For a women everything else has to be in place before she will let sex happen. For a man sex must happen before other things fall in place. I agree with Jim and am in a similar boat. Seems like my wife has found some other avenue to make up for her sex urge maybe the gym. I feel quite betrayed as I work hard, support the family and get no physical intimacy with wife. This is really intolerable. But she seems to be quite comfortable the way it is. Sickening.
2014-12-27 2:17 pm
when some people get married as the years go by seem to lose interest in life they become boring and dull and lose their husband or wife during the process
2014-12-27 3:03 pm
Sounds like the person asking and many who answered are not even old enough to be married let alone worry about having sex.
2014-12-29 4:25 am
The only reason that happens sometimes is because the woman a lot of times has to do everything. She works, takes care of the kids and animals, dishes, laundry, cooks and pretty much everything. This is very draining and exhausting so when its time for bed she wants to relax and watch tv or read. On top of that, years of living that way builds up resentment toward the husband for letting her carry such a load while he lays around and hangs out with friends. she feels he doesn't deserve it since she doesn't deserve help
2014-12-27 5:19 am
Well..... You know how to get a chick to quit giving you b.j.s? Marry her. lol jus kiddin
2014-12-27 6:42 am
Couples must put an effort to be creative and/or open to experimenting to keep their sex life hot. Couples simply get comfortable and lack of sex may eventually not be an issue.
2014-12-27 10:02 pm
Most of my friends say their husband is the one that had a problem with their libido. I think men scream and yell that they don't get sex to hide the truth... women in marriage are more interested in sex.
2014-12-27 3:57 am
I never turn sex down, ty very much :-)
2014-12-28 4:46 pm
When two people get married, they get comfortable and feel they don't have to try as hard to satisfy the other compared to when they were just dating. People who just remain as boyfriend and girlfriend feel most of the time sex is mainly the only way to keep each other interested,other than the little stuff like having common interests. Women feel comfort and stability within marriage so they don't feel the need to have sex as often as their husbands might want them too,because they figure he is officially with her and he isn't going anywhere, so she puts out when she feels like it rather when her husband wants too.
2014-12-28 3:53 pm
That is not true in a loving relationship sex comes so naturally that we do not count up how many times we do or do not have sex
2014-12-28 2:11 am
because he does not make her feel good about her self. buy her sexy things . ask her what she likes sexually. Communication is very important. Ask her where she likes to be touched. spend more time on foreplay.30 minuets minimum. . enjoy her . women need warming up. remember sex is all about and for the woman. US guys should be getting our rocks off by thrilling her before she gets wet and ready. and in the end we *** and collapse
2014-12-27 10:24 pm
not all wives, only couples in bad relationships!!
2014-12-27 4:53 pm
A good question with no apparent answer.
2014-12-27 12:57 pm
Its a stereotype thing. Those that love each other have sex.
2014-12-29 3:37 am
Because their husbands stop making an effort to impress their wives with romance and love after they marry them. If you neglect your wife's emotional needs do not expect to get sex.
2014-12-28 9:40 am
My wife and I have sex about 5 times a week. Depends on your marriage and how close you are.
2014-12-27 11:15 pm
I cannot believe how judgmental some of the people are on here, accusing woman of making excuses as to not to have sex and then being hypocrites by saying that those woman who do have sex with their partners have ulterior motives! Really?

Woman are not obligated to have sex with their partners, its their bodies and their choice whether they want to engage in sexual activity (welcome to the wonderful world of free choice). I do however think that if a woman is not sexually interested, then they could always pleasure their partners in other ways. If I do not feel like having sex (periods, illness, etc) and my husband needs a little attention I will happily get on my knees to help him.

As for those being hypocrites and say that woman who do have sex with their partners are only after support, marriage and children... are you for real? Because I happily have sex with my husband 3 - 4 times a week and I do not do it because I want stability, I do it because:
1. I love him and want to be close to him, sex brings a new side of close.
2. Its good for your relationship
3. It feels f**king amazing

Need I go on?
2014-12-27 10:17 pm
Wow, the world of married people is really something else. I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't want to have sex with the one they love.
2014-12-27 2:18 am
How old are you? Is this Amanda again? How old are you?
2015-08-17 2:06 am
This Site Might Help You.

Why don't wives have sex with their husbands?
Is just seems like that's what the media and everything says, that wives don't have sex and if you get married, you'll never have sex. Why?
參考: don 39 wives sex husbands: https://shortly.im/mgCDt
2015-08-11 5:05 am
This Site Might Help You.

Why don't wives have sex with their husbands?
Is just seems like that's what the media and everything says, that wives don't have sex and if you get married, you'll never have sex. Why?
參考: don 39 wives sex husbands: https://biturl.im/N0XGu
2015-01-02 2:21 am
'cause they don't need to put out anymore. they're married now and can sit back letting themselves go and doing nothing for their husbands.
2014-12-30 4:52 am
because they are doing it with someone else
2014-12-30 2:29 am
some marry for short time and then get divorcee so they can get alimony and maintenance. hate women who does not understand that sex is necessary and part of married life. unless and until either spouse has any serious issues
2014-12-29 5:00 pm
This is a very sweeping statement so obviously does not apply to all wives, or husbands. But sometimes it does happen and the person seeks it elsewhere Which in tern means that you cant complain when they leave you.
2014-12-29 4:11 pm
The person that figures this out and solves it, will be the richest person in the world
2014-12-29 2:42 pm
Don't believe all the garbage you read in the news or hear on the tv. If that was true in any instances, the wives would complain bitterly.

One of my friends has been married nearly 50 years (yes, fifty), and they are still as much in love with each other as they were when they first got married -- and they still have an active sex life.
2014-12-29 7:46 am
To be very fair.

.Population explosion around the world including the exponential sale of contraceptives and millions and millions of abortions all make a formidable testament to the contrary and do not support your observation and or hypothesis. Isolated situations are always there due differences at the individual level.

Seasons greetings and best wishes.
2014-12-29 5:21 am
sometimes... because those men think the courtship has ended.
other times... because the woman has no damn sex drive at all.
2014-12-29 4:56 am
I think that after so many years couples lose their romantic relationship and their life becomes routine
2014-12-28 10:03 pm
not true
2014-12-28 8:20 pm
if their relationship is normal.good luck.
2014-12-28 4:52 pm
love wedlock
2014-12-28 3:25 pm
2014-12-28 2:37 pm
Lazy biddies lmao...I personally think sex should INCREASE after marriage, but hey, just my opinion...
2014-12-28 10:10 am
We certainly had lots of sex while married. It depends on the people as it is a caring, sharing thing. It is not to be used to control the other partner or respect is lost.
2014-12-28 6:51 am
I would say that the media say that once you are married the sex drive drops off. And yes, they show this in a variety of different avenues, but the truth. I've been married for 3 years now and the sex is at the same interval as it was before I was married to the same woman, nothing has changed.
2014-12-28 4:12 am
This is funny. Perhaps the guys suck once married, take it for granted and dont get her off... so why the hell would she want to have sex with you. People in general like to be pleased, taken care of, appreciated and who doesnt like a good O. So perhaps you arent doing something right?? If you climb on top of her like meat.. yea she prob will want you to GTFO. lol and I dont mean in her.. I mean off of her. She probably hoped it would get better in time. lol It just never did. hahaha So take your time with her, treat her like a person and somebody you love instead of this thing you think needs to take care of your man parts. Appreciation, respect and down right caring for somebody. Im telling ya it goes a long way. Oh and the whole porn thing can really take away from wives wanting to screw you. So if that is in there anywhere... yea... could have a lot to do with it. I was married 18 yrs I got this stuff figured out. Oh and I did have sex with my husband... in fact I use to wake HIM up. Not sure why... lol I think I just like sex. I always finished first too. So if you have sex with her and she doesnt finish.. or there is a chance she fakes it ( yes gfs tell me they do this.. ugh I just dont get it unless hes just that bad and she wants him off her ) you need to get it together and figure out how to make that work. Its not US HAVING SEX WITH YOU..like you need taken care of like an oil change ... its sex TOGETHER.
2014-12-28 3:39 am
Women do like sex after they are married , but men tend to think that once the ring is on the finger, he can just grab and take what he wants, whenever the mood hits him, and that just isn't so. If you ignore a woman all day and then start grabbing her in a very sexual" lets get it on way", that can be a huge turn off. Beyond that, women are tuned into sound and the needs of children in ways that a man isn't. A crying baby, a kid pounding on the bedroom door , a man can simply ignore it . For a women, it completely extinguishes the flame. We are simply wired differently.
2014-12-28 1:34 am
You need to speak with people versus listening to any media type from movies, Internet and other sources of biased information.
2014-12-28 12:07 am
not always the casae
2014-12-27 1:51 pm
They do. Some have a different desire or libido to their spouse.If you can't compromise or change your way of thinking, then Adios amigo, bye bye , happy independence, etc., or maybe you are just incompatible.
2014-12-27 1:50 pm
most do, unless the couple has issues between them..
2014-12-27 5:37 am
I think its physiology problem. Actually woman not like regular sex. Why you not think husbands is batter then boy friend?
2014-12-27 2:17 am
it gets boring
2014-12-30 7:55 pm
That I am afraid is just a running bad joke ! While for some that may be true physicle intimacy is a very human emotion and we all need love !
2014-12-29 8:58 pm
That's not true
2014-12-29 9:23 am
Women don't need a man like a man needs a woman.
2014-12-29 5:19 am
It's not that you'll never have sex once you're married. You can't rush them. They'll let you **** them when they're ready. You'll obviously be having kids so sex will definitely happen eventually. But women are not sex toys made to please men. They don't want the relationship to be based on sex alone therefore don't expect sex everyday. If you're a sex addict then try masturbating. Woman want to feel loved. If you **** them all the time they'll think you only love their body.
2014-12-27 10:34 am
Why do you believe "what the media and everything says"?

And what is this "everything" you refer to.

How about you support your claims with facts. And get over the "I heard something from some moron - therefore, it must be true" thing.
2014-12-28 5:18 pm
In some cases it is the man who stops wanting to have sex, not the woman. This can be caused due to job related stress, money issues, illness, or he just plain doesn't have interest in it with her anymore. It is a symptom of a larger problem, no matter which one looses interest, be it due to stress, medical, or the relationship itself.
Also, as a woman, I can also state a BIG mood killer is IF you agreed for the wife to stay home, throwing the *I work and you don't* card out there to excuse behavior and failing to treat her as an equal. When that sort of resentment comes out, rather then having discussed a need to change the agreement, it just causes even more issues, and yes a lack of sex. Pick your words carefully fellas, and learn that honesty IS the best policy upfront.
2014-12-28 2:08 pm
Every Married Couple have sex untill Love exist between them

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