how to love reading books?

2014-12-26 6:58 pm
I'm 17yo, i hate reading i get bored quickly ..

回答 (33)

2014-12-26 7:18 pm
Find a topic that you like then read about it!
2014-12-28 5:55 am
Sounds like you're just reading the wrong books, it can be hard to find something that catches you're attention, and you'll usually have to read the first few chapters before you can really get into it. There's so much out there, you just need to know what you're looking for.

If you hate reading books in general, just don't do it. At 17 you're probably still in school and have to read for English if so just deal with it, a lot of times it's boring but you're almost done.
2014-12-28 3:34 am
You can't force yourself to like reading. Yes, reading is good for the growth and development of your mind, but let's face it, not everyone is wired the same way. In junior high and high school English and History were my best subjects. I was terrible in math and slightly better in science. I didn't choose to become a mathematician (eek! Can you imagine?), I chose what I was good at and what interested me. In school, you're going to read a lot of things you don't want to read or are uninteresting to you. If you want to like a book, search for a book on a topic you think you'll find interesting or are curious about. The first stop should be your local library. Talk to a librarian. Tell he or she what you're looking for and they'll be able to give you some recommendations to choose from. You can also do a quick internet search and then purchase books, but borrowing is the better option if you're not sure if you'll like it.
2014-12-27 5:05 am
Look through some of your favorite movies, a lot of good movies have even better books to go along with them.
Look and see what pattern of genre you like to watch in a movie, then search books in that genre
2014-12-26 7:15 pm
Why do you want to? We don't all enjoy the same things. Perhaps you may come to it in time, especially if you don't try to force it.
2014-12-30 6:33 pm
Perhaps you could look for books that were made into movies. Watch the movie and compare how the book was interpreted and if you'd do it differently? I loved doing this as a high school student and it made me able to get into interesting conversations and make some good friends. .
2014-12-30 4:33 am
My advice is to start out with things that you already enjoy. If you enjoy cars, read car magazines and books about car designers.

In my case, my first "pleasure reading" was comic books, especially Superman. I started reading them about the time the price was increased from 10 to 12 cents. I was still in elementary school, but kept reading them for years. (Still do on occasion.)

Eventually, I discovered that I enjoyed juvenile science fiction, so I read all of the Tom Swift books during Junior High.

There's nothing wrong with reading books that are a few years below your grade level. I have a high IQ (I'm a member of the Triple Nine Society and OATHS, for example), but in Junior High, I was reading books that were written for elementary kids for pleasure (not for class), and in High School, I was reading Junior High books for pleasure.

Pleasure Reading should be pleasurable, so if you're trying to learn to love reading, concentrate on what you WANT to read, not what your teachers want you to read for class. For example, when I was in High School, I was required to read "Fellowship of the Ring" and I hated it. Ten years later, I read it again and loved it, and I've read it several times since then.

So, to put it in a nutshell, read what you want to read, and you will develop a love for reading. My SAT/GRE verbal scores kept going up, and I blame that on the reading I've done, and kept up with, over the years. (1968 = 500 Verbal, 1976 = 550 Verbal, 1996 = 630 Verbal).

Do not worry about what other people say about what you read. I still read comic books, and I know a library manager whose husband also reads comic books. Her opinion reflects mine, you are forced to read the words in comic books, because you'd never know what was happening otherwise. I can skip paragraphs in novels, and still get the meaning out of it, but if I skip a page in a comic book, I've missed a lot of plot.

My mother hated that I read comic books and hated that my brother loved Mad Magazine, but we both grew to love writing and reading. Years later, Mom apologized for hating my comic books, because she finally realized that if it had not been for my loving coming books first, I might not have grown to love reading science fiction, fantasy, and other subjects.

I've done so much reading over the years that I do a pretty good job doing proofreading. One author claims I found more of her mistakes than anyone else. I often proofread articles that my brother writes.

Read what you love, and you will learn to love to read.

2014-12-30 4:05 am
I love reading...and writing! The challenge is to inspire people who hate reading. I've been thinking about that for a long time.
2014-12-29 6:20 pm
I love reading. I'm obsessed with it but I used to dislike it too.
The main reason for the dislike was the fact that all the material I had to read was really boring. So I would suggest that you find a book that interests YOU. Whether it is historical or fantasy make sure it suites you.
Pacing also helps and a routine. Make sure you don't overdo it and get bored but make sure you read regularly so you don't forget the plot.
Good luck.
(Also don't judge a book by its cover or it's movie!)
2014-12-29 2:30 pm
People read for all different reasons. Sometimes it's to fiind information to answer questions. It could be simply to find out how to bake magnificent cookies. Some people read to improve their minds and way of living. Some want to find the meaning of life. Many people read for entertainment, as a passtime. If that's what you are thinking of then go to the locIf al library and look at the selection of quick reads - these are small books that can usually be read in one evening. Some are fact based, self improvement etc. and some are fiction. The point is that they are written by leading authors and you can get a taste for the author. If you find something you like you can go in search of the authors other books. Ask yourself what you want to read and go find it.
2014-12-28 6:42 am
I like reading books but I like listening to books and audio drama more than reading text
I fear my favorite books to read are fantasy filled with puns like Robert Asprin's Another Fine Myth. I like Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett because it is short and a good place to start reading Disc World books.
I did find it much easier to read novels before I got an internet connection which also helped me find which books I would like to read next
2014-12-28 2:49 am
Try to find a general genre that you like. For me it is action/thriller/romance, so just find a genre you like at first and once you get used to books expand yourself to other genres and then you'll be fine. You just need to get used to it first.
2014-12-28 2:23 am
Read books on subjects you like. If you like sports, read a biography or book about a sporting hero or event. Get book recommendations from your teachers and friends on which books they like best. As you read make a list in your head of the positives you find in it. Don't allow yourself to make excuses to "get bored" or give up. Try reading aloud, especially if you can find a reading companion. If the size of books scare you, try an e-book. Or as a start, try listening to a cd of a book being read by someone. Try spending time in the library... and don't go near the dvd rack. Don't let the language of books scare you. Remember, that the words that you use to text is derived from and just a shortened version of the words and language in books. Remind yourself that giving up on something because it is hard would make you a coward and a loser. And you are not either of those, are you?
2014-12-28 2:02 am
it has to be something that is interestign to you. Ive read a harry potter book in 2 weeks but failed to even finish teh great gatsby over the summer for school which is far shorter than ahrry potter
2014-12-27 6:27 pm
How many different books have your read? Just the one's from your English lessons, or have you tried a variety of different kinds of books. Not everyone enjoys the same genres after all.
I find that I'm very fussy - most books that I pick up I put down very quickly. But every once in a while I find a book that's so good I finish it in a night. I think you just have to do a bit of searching to find the right books for you.

(Another possibility is that you have dyslexia or something, in which case practice is the best remedy)
2014-12-27 5:13 am
It's all about finding books you actually are interested in and want to read about! What do you like to do/what are you interested in? Find something on that topic.
2014-12-27 2:48 am
Try finding a general genre you think you'd like.
2014-12-27 12:17 am
I can only read things I really, truly enjoy. Many subjects bore me. Romances bore me. Fantasy bores me. I detest dystopian themes. Any 'unreal' details that someone writes can get on my nerves. Keep looking for favorite genres; you can find them.
2014-12-26 7:16 pm
find a book that interests you I used to hate reading im fine with it now because I like a certain type of book and find that type and read it and if you don't try writing a book and find out how you like it and just by writing it you can figure it out Good Luck
2014-12-27 2:23 am
Have you tried short stories? You can get to the end without struggling. Mystery and science fiction are good genres. And you might like to try some classic short story writers like O. Henry, Damon Runyan and Hemingway — and Saki!
2014-12-26 11:53 pm
You may not have found a genre that interests you. Then again, you may simply be reading bad books. Ask for recommendations from family and friends.
2014-12-26 7:21 pm
Your stupidity is your own problem
2015-01-02 12:28 pm
If you hate reading books then, listen to audiobooks.

Choose the right book genre.
Types of books that would make me bored, hate are almost all fiction, stories.

Types of books that would make me not bored are biography, Autobiography,non-fiction, diary, journal, essay, types of books and text books like science books.

Books like,

American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History

Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10

A Portrait of My Father
2015-01-01 1:16 am
To read a book theres gotta be something in it that is similar to you somehow.. Im thirteen and im a growing author. When I read a book I would usally read two pages of it in the middle before reading it.. P.s. Follow me on wattpad my name is PeachyGirl2
2014-12-31 2:17 am
Read books online on sites like Wattpad, Penana
2014-12-30 11:15 am
You probably haven't found the right book. Or maybe you're just a person who doesn't like reading. We're all different.

If you would like to read, try things that are easy to get into. Here are some suggestions:

Harry Potter series
Contest/Ice Station - Matthew Reilly
The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
Toll for the Brave, Night of the Fox, The Valhalla Exchange - Jack Higgins
The Day of the Jackal - Frederick Forsyth
2014-12-29 7:48 pm
2014-12-29 2:51 am
Its simple to you. coz u r 17 yrs old. But its harm for our future
2014-12-28 6:12 am
I have read story books.
2014-12-28 3:24 am
Many people have said read books about subjects that interest you, and I agree. But there's also more to it, in my opinion. For some people, reading is a matter of interest. For some it is a matter of energy.
Example. I have two friends, both of whom love to read. But one always finishes a novel and gets upset that the story just seems to stop. So, she reads a lot of biographies and nonfiction. The story starts at the beginning and stops at the end. My other friend can't sit still long enough to read a biography. He is too energetic and starts fidgeting. So, he reads a lot of collections of shorts (any genre will do, fiction or not) and magazines.

You might have to do some trial and error to find out what you like, and I always suggest a subscription to "The New Yorker" magazine, because it is top-notch and also has a lot of variety (it's only like $50 a year for 48 issues, but if that seems pricey, check at your library). If there's a particular type of article in the magazine you find yourself coming back to, then do some digging in that genre. Or maybe you'll read an article or shot story that just really stands out to you; go look up more by that author. If you find yourself unable to get through more than a chapter or so of a book before you get stir-crazy, then it's not a lack of interest holding you back, it's all that excess energy and shorts may be your answer.
2014-12-27 4:58 am
Try finding a general genre.
2014-12-26 8:17 pm
try as you read to visualize what is being described and try as you read to figure what will happen next while reading what the author is telling and see how close you come to thatof the story. be open and have fun. know also the words as the author puts forth.
2014-12-27 3:00 am
There's a saying, 'the more boring a person is, the more he / she will get bored!' Do you want others to consider you boring? Do you find you easily get bored - if you don't like reading but are still an interesting person, then it's hardly a problem.

You say you're 17 - when I was your age I hardly read any fiction, I was getting ready for University (to study animal biology). It helped that I love animals and loved learning about life's fundamental principles. Naturally, I had to read a lot in my studies.

As you age, some day you'll pick up fiction or whatever interests you. Well, many do, anyway. I've just the other day finished the Hunger game trilogy and whilst it wasn't 100% original (what is?), it was amazingly well written. That said, the English was pretty simple so anyone your age or older could be captivated by it.

Now go throw your telly outta the window!


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