F.5 Maths circle(4)

2014-12-26 8:34 pm
Picture: http://postimg.org/image/5k9nlgf0h/

In the figure, D and E lie on AC and BC respectively. AE and BD intersect at F. AE perpendiculer to BC, ∠ABF=38° and ∠CED=52°.
Given that A,B,E,D are concyclic.
If M is the mid point of AB, determine whether the distance between D and M is the same as that between E and M.

I want to ask what is the function of "M is the mid point of AB". I think that I cannot solve the question because I have not use this condition, but I don't know how to
use it. Please teach me. Thank you!!

回答 (2)

2014-12-27 7:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
A,B, E, D are concyclic (given)
∠AEB = 90° (given)
AB is the diameter of circle ABED (reverse theorem of ∠ insemi-circle)

M is the mid-point of AB (given)
Then, M is the centre of circle ABED (diameter is twice the radius)
DM = EM (same radii)
2014-12-26 9:46 pm
你或且可以睇下M is the mid point of AB
that means MA=MB

然後再留意1下A,B,E,D are concyclic

2014-12-26 13:51:06 補充:

2014-12-26 15:01:27 補充:
唔洗客氣 =)

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