Philosophy where wrong is right, and right is wrong. What was the name of the philosopher who proposed this ?

2014-12-25 1:47 am

I've heard of a philosophy where wrong is in fact right, and right is infact wrong. Does anybody know where it comes from. I think the Bible also mentioned that this philosophy returns. But I can't remember who came up with it in ancient times. A little help please !


I think it was an ancient greek philosopher.

回答 (6)

2014-12-25 1:54 am
參考: Beyond Good and Evil.
2014-12-25 6:34 am
Friedrich Nietzsche (1844—1900)
2014-12-25 5:45 am
There is One (unchanging, ALL inclusive) Reality!
'Wrong' and 'right' are simply two, vain, judgmental Perspectives of the SAME THING!

ALL such 'values' exist in the thoughts of the beholder!

"We don't see the world as it is, we see it as we are!"

Sorry, philosophy is not about judgment of 'good' vs 'evil/bad'! Not at all! For that insanity, you want the religion site!
2014-12-27 2:50 pm
I'm not aware of a "the" philosopher who proposed this, nor in fact any philosopher who did.
2014-12-25 6:18 pm
I don't know who said it but we are living it now and its a pill I can't swallow.
2014-12-25 2:02 am
You've got your wires crossed. No philosopher ever proposed this. However, what you probably have in mind is Utilitarianism, which raises moral dilemmas by suggesting things like it being better to let 10 people die in order to save 100 others. One might conclude from this that you should do something that is plainly wrong for the benefit of the majority. But Utilitarianism is NOT saying that what is wrong is right, only that in some cases it is justified. John Stuart Mill and ‎Jeremy Bentham were among the most prominent "modern" philosophers to raise such difficult questions.

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