What is your passion?

2014-12-24 9:26 pm
Or talent?

回答 (29)

2014-12-24 9:28 pm
2014-12-27 1:37 am
Traveling with my dear wife.
2014-12-26 3:58 pm
2014-12-26 3:21 pm
Fly Fishing :)
2014-12-25 11:46 am
Religion & spirituality...& Languages,& Astronomy & Art & mysterious subjects like Paranormal science & dare & thrill ones...:)
2014-12-25 2:45 am
2014-12-24 10:31 pm
2014-12-24 9:41 pm
Writing stories. Both a passion and I do have a bit of talent in it. I think its the only thing I really am obsessed with because it became a coping mechanism when I Mum was in hospital and I was being bullied.
2014-12-24 9:37 pm
I'd rather keep it to myself
2014-12-24 9:31 pm
Music and acting have always been my passion. Ever since i was young i participated in school plays, and have always been one of my drama teacher's favorite students due to my acting skills. And as for music, i learnt to play both guitar and piano,and soon will practice the violin
2014-12-24 9:29 pm
2014-12-24 9:29 pm
I love fine jewelry and Major League Baseball. Those are two of my favorite things in life.
2014-12-29 6:11 am
Fly Fishing :)
2014-12-28 7:23 am
2014-12-28 6:27 am
Fly Fishing :)
2014-12-27 7:57 pm
2014-12-27 1:09 am
Writing and animal rights.
2014-12-25 2:48 pm
To travel around the entire world.
2014-12-25 7:49 am
2014-12-24 10:15 pm
Raising awareness to voting-age Americans to become involved in the Political Process
2014-12-24 10:00 pm
My family is my passion.
2014-12-24 9:42 pm
A porno
2014-12-24 9:34 pm
Fly Fishing :)
2014-12-24 9:33 pm
i have more than just one passion
2014-12-24 9:33 pm
Instagram and trolling on tinder
2014-12-24 9:32 pm
singing, music, guitar
2014-12-24 9:31 pm
Handbags and my man.
2014-12-24 9:30 pm
I have no idea
for real no idea
2014-12-24 9:29 pm
It is Love*,Real* Love.~ * Merry Christmas,may love fill your world always.~*

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