Help ! English

2014-12-24 10:07 pm
I need help with English .
Here are my questions
1. 如果問人「你還記不記得我」英文點說?
2. 如果問人「 你是不是已經忘記了我」英文點說?
3. Love you forever 英文點解?
4. It is not a big deal 英文點解?
5. forever個字點解?


回答 (5)

2014-12-25 2:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.「你還記不記得我」 = Do you still remember me?

2. 「你是不是已經忘記了我」 = Have you already forgotten me?

3. Love you forever = will always and continue to love you. (永遠愛你)

4. It is not a big deal (沒有什麼了不起)
~ used to say that you do not think that something is very impressive, interesting or important (informal English)

A: Look at my new car!
B: It is not a big deal. Your car is not as good as mine.

5. forever (adverb) = permanently, for all time 永遠, 永久, 常常, 不斷地

2014-12-25 07:00:58 補充:
Thanks. You are right.
I couldn't agree more!
牛津詞典清楚地列出: ~ big deal! = 沒什麼了不起

我不明白 It is not a big deal = It is a deal
刪除 "not" 和 adjective, negative statement 可變 positive statement,相同解釋
是否 It is not a big gun = It is a gun ?
Can you elaborate on that?
參考: 牛津英漢雙解詞典
2014-12-26 8:42 pm
Interesting interpretation.
Was not in a good mood not being able to sleep last night but you guys make my day.
英文分類高手? I rest my case.
2014-12-25 5:55 pm
(4)It is not a big deal=/=It is a TOMING88's deal != It is an illogical deal=It is not a big deal to give some absurd answer
2014-12-25 11:09 am
It is not a big deal!

~ used to say that something is not important
2014-12-24 11:43 pm
(1) Hello, Do you still remember me ?
(2)Have you forgotten me ?
(3)to have a strong feelings of affection for her.We're in love ! She is in love with you.Fell in love with each other.A love story for a very long time.I love you.
(4)It is not a big deal=It is a deal ! (the words "not" and" big" disappeared.)
=I agree to your terms if you listen to me.
=Listen !This is what we have agreed and we are going to fall in love
=This is( the deal).

Much of the Chinese meaning can be inferred from the English context, please.
(5)forever=will always exist a very long time that I'll love you forever.She's forever going on loving about you also.

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