Is there a branch of Catholicism that makes the sign of the cross with their left hand? Or is it allowed for people who are left handed?

2014-12-23 3:49 pm

回答 (3)

2014-12-23 4:12 pm
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I don't think being a lefty is okay for Catholics. My grandma is Catholic and the nuns that taught at schools back then used to beat her till she learned to write with her right hand. They thought lefties were inspired by Satan or something.
2014-12-23 4:24 pm
No. Haha. Primary school teachers facing their classes use the left hand because students will mimic using their right hands

No perhaps a new age or a cult mocking Catholicism, but not Catholicism itself.
2014-12-23 3:51 pm
Catholics: Spectacles, testicles, wallet and watch.

Orthodox: Spectacles, testicles, watch and wallet...

...umm, that's all I got.

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