Why Rottweiler dogs are very aggressive than other dogs breads.......by sanjeev ghei.....?

2014-12-22 10:18 am

回答 (4)

2014-12-22 11:00 am
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i just want to clarify ....was that a question ? or was that a statement made by "Sanjeev ghei".?? If that was a question then the answer is ....THERE ARE NO AGRESSIVE BREEDS!!! Only the trainers are bad . Its all in the trainer and not in the dog. All breeds are the same when we are talking about the mentalities and the aggressiveness.It usually happens that people see Rottweilers as aggressive breeds because their owners never "dare" to train them. In many cases the owners themselves are afraid of the dog..they think that if they piss it off while training , its going to kill them and eat them. And hence this results in "Overpampered" dog. And over pampered dogs are always a trouble . No matter what breed they belong to .
2014-12-22 11:43 am
I have never had a Rottie, however I have known two. Both of them were family pets who were well trained and extremely friendly and sociable. Unfortunately rough lads buy Rotties and have no idea how to treat them, consequently they will, like many other dogs become aggressive in the wrong hands..
2014-12-22 11:55 am
Actually, although Supercool has attempted to put the record straight this is not the correct answer either.

You'd have to work with them all the time as I do to know what I mean and I'd need to write a book to put it all in, but in general they are a strong minded breed and they need to be raised correctly for sure. But, underneath is genetics and rottweilers can be born from one end of the scale to the other in drive and temperament. They can be laid back or hyper high drive. They can also be dog / dog aggressive if not socialised properly. Whatever their temperament and drive they must be raised well and they need years of training and socialising for sure. They are not a dog to just be left in someone's garden / yard otherwise you will have a dog that is trouble.

Here's a good article on whether you should buy a rottweiler or not and in reading that it tells you a lot about them.


I had 25 rottweilers in my class yesterday... too many... but lots turned up as it was Christmas week and we have fun and games.
2014-12-22 4:46 pm
Actually I don't see a question here, which is a violation of the question answer/format and reportable. Just applying a question mark after a statement does not constitute a question.

Any dog can be aggressive if not trained and cared for properly.

"Breads?" Are we talking dogs or baking bread and making sandwiches?

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