Is it ok to lose my virginity?

2014-12-22 5:55 am
I'm 15, my boyfriend is 16. We've been together for about 7 months. I feel like I'm ready to lose my virginity, i don't feel too young. My bf and I have talked. And i'm not one of those girls who is trying to make him love me or whatever. Like I want to do this, the legal age of consent where I live is 14. I was wondering if what i think and how i feel is ok?

回答 (11)

2014-12-24 5:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
I lost my virginity when I was 15 to my boyfriend of about 8 months at the time, and I am 23 today, we are not still together but i do not regret losing it to him. He was my first everything basically and i know i loved him then and will always have a place in my heart for him.

If you know you are doing it for the right reasons and you feel like you are ready then i say go for it. MAKE SURE YOU USE PROTECTION. Even if it is just a condom.

The first time hurt me but it wasnt horrible, it was definitely tolerable, it just felt odd and different. The first few times werent enjoyable but once you get past that, obviously it gets a lot better. I bled a little the first time, which is normal and its still okay to keep going as long as you arent in too much pain. Take it slowly the first few times and see what you are comfortable with. try being the one on top so you have more control.

Good luck :)
2014-12-22 6:15 am
You've been together 7 months, he's not drastically older than you, you're above the age of consent, you feel like this is the right man and you feel ready. As long as you protect yourself and are safe there's no problem.

People only regret losing their virginity young if they do it for the wrong reasons.
參考: personal experience
2014-12-22 4:44 pm
your body, your choice. you are past the age of consent so legally there is nothing preventing you from having sex. enjoy!!
2014-12-22 7:15 am
I'd say go ahead. Just be safe and don't regret it. You only lose it once.
2014-12-22 5:59 am
參考: Personal
2014-12-26 9:19 am
pop and it goes.. it will not come back.. dont lose it so early.. and if you lose it ever lose it to a Real Man who is a hero of your life.. you will cherish it life long and be proud of..
2014-12-24 3:58 am
If you feel physically & emotionally ready.. Then take the right precautions & go for it! Simple as that.
2014-12-22 7:49 pm
Its a little young. I'd keep your virginity until your in love. You can only lose it once. Your brain isn't fully developed until like 25 you might want to wait a little longer so you fell more confident on your decisions. You definetly don't want to regret it.
2014-12-22 6:32 am
You don't mention birth control. If you're really ready, then get on birth control first. Go to a doctor or a clinic. I suggest an IUD or an implant, as they're both very reliable and there's nothing to remember.

Now, what was your reaction to that? Did you think: I can't do that? Or I can't figure it out? Or I don't have a car? Or I don't want to tell my parents? Or I don't know how to do this? Or he'll take care of me? Or he promised to pull out? If you thought any of those things, you're not ready to have sex yet because you're not ready to prevent pregnancy.

If however you make an appointment and get birth control and follow directions, then I'm more likely to say you can have sex.

But really, my first reaction was, if you have to survey a bunch of strangers, you're not ready yet.
2014-12-22 6:15 am
Do you wanna raise a child at 16?
2014-12-25 2:47 am
May I ask, why is every teenager in this category talking about sex and losing their virginity? Go ahead and screw up your life. It's Yahoo Answers... No one really gives a crap...
2014-12-22 8:00 am
Its not okay. You are young and got lots to live for to think about sex right now. Trust me I've lost it at age 14 and I regret it til this day that I'm 19. Who knows if you'll be with your boyfriend forever but if not you'll always have a flashback to when it happen.
2014-12-22 6:07 am
Talk to you mom about it
2014-12-22 8:39 pm
Even if I tell you no, you'll still do it because it's your decision and you seem pretty set on it. So why should I even bother to tell you you are probably making a mistake. You won't realize it now. But you will when you're older. Losing your virginity at 15... imagine if your husband asked you when you lost your virginity. Bet he'd be kinda disappointed. But whatever. You're "mature for your age" right?....
2014-12-22 5:59 am
have your friend ask your Dad if he wants his daughter to lose her virginity before legal age and before marriage, and you ask your friends' Mother the same question
2014-12-22 8:55 am
No no no too young for that
I bet that u soon found guilty after it
Then u r gonna to post something abt am I pregnant or wtever that is head aching for parents and yourself in here for a few days later
2014-12-22 6:14 am
Step 1: Buy shotgun
Step 2: Place in mouth
Step 3: Pull trigger
Step 4: Realize you forgot to buy bullets and revel at your stupidity

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