Does he really like me or just want to get in my pants?

2014-12-22 4:43 am
There's this guy who is in one of my classes. I am 15 and he is 17. He talks to me everyday and finds random topics just to talk to me. We flirt, and he teases me, gives me eye contact when we talk, and pays attention to me. Whenever I am talking to other guys he seems a little jealous. Also one of his friends told him I am his girlfriend and he just looked down, blushed and smiled. Now this guy he talks to me about sex. Like on Friday he was telling me that I had to keep myself protected because "we" didn't want anything bad to happen. And he was talking about sucking ***** and I told him I don't do that and he stayed silent. Then he started talking back about being protected. During past conversations he has mention to me how I have a "good body" and one time he asked me if I could give him a back massage and how if I could touch his muscles. Does he really like me or just want to get in my pants?

回答 (7)

2014-12-22 4:52 am
Only thing he seems to not be talking about is a relationship. So yes, he just wants to get in your pants. Believe it or not he's to old for you even thought it's a two year difference. You're a little girl to him. Don't fall for it. Let him in your pants and the whole school will know about it. Believe me.
2014-12-22 4:44 am
just wants t get in your pants.
2014-12-22 4:50 am
uh, no girl. he wants in your pants. I'm sorry:/
2014-12-22 5:27 am
Maybe he wants to get in your pants for the rest of his life, how would that sound
2014-12-22 4:54 am
It's not love...
2014-12-22 4:53 am
Just out for sex guys can be snakes .
2014-12-22 4:53 am
He wants to slam you

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 01:09:26
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