In Canada, Ontario, Which pills will make me stay awake at night?

2014-12-22 2:36 am
I wanted to stay awake one night to work on my big project and stuff.. I wanted to know if there is any pill that can help me to be awake, and staying up... Please help.

回答 (8)

2014-12-22 2:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
People I knew who took meds to study, failed. Do your reviews earlier, plan your work.
2014-12-22 5:35 am
Mooseamfartamine. Pop 2 tabs of that and you'll be bouncing off the walls the way Rob Ford bounces off reporters. But remember- these only work in Ontario-they don't work anywhere else.
2014-12-22 1:21 pm
The same ones that will keep you awake anywhere else in the world.

But as capital already pointed out, staying awake for long periods of time will show up as sloppy work.
2014-12-22 8:59 am
Not and be truly productive. Drugs may stop you from sleeping, but, will not help you think straight. Humans need sleep! You will be awake, but, not producing high quality work.
2014-12-22 2:50 am
DayQuil is good if you are sick, but coffee and tea are probably your best option
2014-12-22 2:37 am
4 Tylenol, you'll sleep deeply, get up early and do it twice as fast, Don't fight your body help it
2014-12-22 2:36 am
Drink coffee
2014-12-22 4:13 pm
They are all the same.

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