How much makeup and what kind should a 11 year old wear?

2014-12-21 7:07 pm
My daughter wants to wear makeup for the last few months of school and I need help...

回答 (22)

2014-12-21 7:14 pm
I might allow a little tinted chap stick or lip gloss and maybe a small amount of eye shadow (nude colors, blues, etc). Aside from that, there is no reason for an 11 year old to wear makeup. Tell her when she's 13-14 she can start with stuff like eyeliner, blush, concealer, etc.

I would also let her experiment a little at home...ONLY at home. Teach her proper make-up techniques and how to look natural instead of caking it on like a clown. By the time she reaches high school she will have a good knowledge of what is appropriate.
2014-12-21 8:58 pm
If any, I'd say at most lip gloss and mascara during the day, possibly some subtle eye shadow for an evening event.
2014-12-21 7:53 pm
Lip gloss and that's all. Or maybe, just maybe some mascara as well. I wouldn't allow more than that though. I didn't start letting my daughter wear anymore makeup until high school and even now, I don't allow her to wear too much.
2014-12-21 8:53 pm
Each to their own but in my opinion 11 is still a little girl so I'd say tinted lip balm is about it when going out. But i would allow practising make up at home.
I wouldn't want my child drawing attention to herself in any way that might get weirdos looking.
2014-12-29 6:11 pm
She probably shouldn't wear too much makeup, maybe some eye-shadow and a bit of lip gloss at most. Since she is 11, she probably won't need too much in order to catch some attention (if that's what she's going after).
Hope this helps!
2014-12-29 3:22 pm
lip gloss, nail polish, and maybe glitter eye shadow.
2014-12-28 6:05 am
Eye shadow or lip gloss should be fine. :) But very light eye shadow.
2014-12-27 8:05 pm
Best to look natural even she has makeup try with a very thin line of eyeliner of some natural colored lip gloss or lipstick would be fine check out some videos in youtube it would help u some I think
2014-12-27 8:48 am
NONE, don't allow her to go to school looking like a clown .
2014-12-25 6:19 am
NONE, don't allow her to go to school looking like a clown .
2014-12-24 5:15 am
I don't think using a little bit of makeup will hurt anything as I am sure the reason she is asking is because her friends are school are doing the same things. I would say that lip gloss, light eye shadows, and possibly mascara are safe.
2014-12-22 5:05 pm
1st you should check with the school's dress code because you don't want her getting in trouble over it. if its ok then some clear or light lip gloss and eye liner goes a long way.
2014-12-22 4:32 pm
11 is a bit young for make up the way adults wear it. I agree the tinted lip gloss is probably okay. When shes in high school, maybe neutral eye shadows and blush worn lightly. Start practicing with her at home so she knows the proper techniques. Before allowing her to wear in public in high school, maybe take her to the mall for a make up session. The cosmetician will help you to help her choose what is appropriate for her age and skin color.
2014-12-22 3:59 pm
I have an 11 year old. I let her go crazy at home. She loves make up but the rule is only in the house. She can wear colored lip balm to school only. Nivea has something with a little color that she really likes. I will also do her make up for a special event like a dance recital or a chorus concert but other than that lip balm only in public. I will revisit when she's 13
2014-12-22 8:50 am
Best to look natural even she has makeup try with a very thin line of eyeliner of some natural colored lip gloss or lipstick would be fine check out some videos in youtube it would help u some I think
2014-12-22 5:11 am
Lip gloss and maybe a little eyeshadow and blush for special occasions.
2014-12-22 1:32 am
Eye shadow or lip gloss should be fine. :) But very light eye shadow.
2014-12-21 10:22 pm
lip gloss, nail polish, and maybe glitter eye shadow.
2014-12-21 7:57 pm
I personally didn't wear makeup at 11 but I think it is okay for eleven year olds to wear lip gloss, mascara, eye shadow but just light colours such as silver and light pink. Also if she is starting to get spots I think it would be okay for her to put on a light coating of foundation.
2014-12-21 7:27 pm
mascara , a little foundation and maybe a lip blam.You're young and already beautiful , sure when you're a teenager you need it because of acne , but you're okay for now.
2014-12-21 7:27 pm
She probably shouldn't wear too much makeup, maybe some eye-shadow and a bit of lip gloss at most. Since she is 11, she probably won't need too much in order to catch some attention (if that's what she's going after).
Hope this helps!
2014-12-21 7:25 pm
I don't think its bad to put on a little bit of makeup like mascara or blush. If its over powering than you need to stop it because she could be trying to look older than what she is. My sister in law is 11 and shes at the age were shes experimenting with it.

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