Are Leos manipulative?

2014-12-21 2:18 pm
My parents are both Leos and I'm a Libran and I find them possesive most of the times like they want everyone to follow their instructions. If not, for my dad, he gets angry, quite contradictory to the friendly personality described in the astrology websites, but my mum is more reasonable, but still fires back like my dad when she defends for herself even though she is wrong. I'm quite sure that I have a better delivery in explaining why I'm right and have better acceptance or EQ in facing madness. All they know is to put the blame on others even when they are wrong and keep telling me not to retort (esp my dad).
Also, my dad forces me to respond him at once he shares something even though I'm not interested in and to agree in everything.
When I'm at home and my mum's working, she'll call me 3 times a day on average and those calls usually come at every 15 minutes which I find irritating and she keeps repeating the same thing which becomes useless and that's not a kind of caring. That's why there's one time we argued and she said from that time on I can do whatever I want, I was relieved coz it's like unchaining myself from her manipulation.
Most importantly, they set rules which they often break while my sister and I stick to it. How funny this is.
I really want to leave home immediately once I earn enough money and let them play the possesion game alone.

What do you feel about Leos? I still like my parents, but for the others with my parents' traits, they kinda suck.

回答 (6)

2014-12-21 10:29 pm
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Yes they are. They try to hide it by giving gifts to people or doing favors for others. I like Leos, but after some time with them, they start to annoy me. I admire they're serious, leadership side, but what's with their jealousy and the manipulation! They are extremely possessive even to people they are not kin too. I had a leo (female) co worker once that was possessive over me and other co workers to a point it was weird. It seems that they are always looking for attention and use manipulation to get it. These Leos are your parents and they are suppose to "possess" you. Leos are caring people. If they didn't care for you then you would be really worse off. You are a Libra, air sign and all the posession is annoying you because of your airy nature. Air signs hate to dominated and tied down. So, be thankful that you have parents and they are Leos.
2015-01-10 5:17 pm
As a Leo myself, I can be possessive because what's mine is mine.. We can also be detached and have a **** you attitude after we have seen that our good doings have been takin for granted over and over again and we don't like people being possessive over us lol funny as that sounds.
2014-12-21 4:21 pm
Leo's are not manipulative they just don't like a lot of silliness. They are sweet, loyal, giving, kind and quite funny even though a lot of people don't get leo humor! Yes leo can be overbearing sometimes but that's only when they love you. Don't be so hard on the leo, they have good intentions even though it may not seem like it! Good luck to you! :)
2014-12-21 5:37 pm
that's dependent on the individual.
2014-12-22 2:46 am
Every person is different, so ignore the 'one size fits all' nonsense descriptions of astrology and start to enjoy your life.

Keep staring down the toilet of astrology and eventually you will see the truth.
2014-12-21 4:39 pm
I don't know -- sounds like typical parent problems. It's quite usual for a mom and dad to drive you nuts. Usually, one more than the other ... so sorry to hear they are both driving you up the wall. I tend to get on with Leo's but I'm sure I'd have something to gripe about if I was raised by one or two. The shadow of Leo is yes, they can be a little egomaniacal, strong-headed, prideful, me-first and expect the royal treatment .... on the benevolent side (where hopefully they live at least some time), they are generous, big of heart, unpetty, confident, self-possessed and protective. Maybe there's a way to communicate how their behavior effects you or talk about your feeeeeelings. I know it's easier said than done .... but they may appreciate your maturity as long as you don't explain it in a way which undermines them. It sounds like you know they love you -- but they have a funny way of showing it or showing each other. Welcome to the world of dysfunction -- hope you keep your sense of humor about it and find solace and connection where you can!

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