法律功課問題 (FIRC)

2014-12-22 5:12 am
請用英文回答以下題目 我需要ge 係 FIRC 分析法 即是 Fact Issue Reasoning Conclusion

雖然細節欠奉,不過可能係參考一D 經典case 麻煩搵搵,盡量寫詳細D

1 一個救生員見到有人浸親不過認為佢無事,無採取行動,而浸親果個最後死左,咁救生員是否干犯誤殺?

2. 一個中意賭錢ge房務員,欠債好多於是想偷客人野,第一次因為客人係房無落手,於是佢等到下次執房,客人走左先落手,咁是否犯偷野?


回答 (2)

2014-12-22 12:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It is a homework. So I will not answer the questions.

Here are some hints:

1. No - Where is the mens rea?

2. Yes.
2014-12-23 11:13 pm
1. Causation: duties arise from contract: Pittwood.
Also note to the case of Pagett - the case where D held his GF as hostage and shot police and the police shot back and D's GF was dead.

2. What are the five elements of theft?
Other possible crime committed:
Attempt theft
Burglary s9(1)(b) TA1968

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