急求中譯英,urgent case,thanks

2014-12-22 2:59 am
急求中譯英,urgent case,thanks.(不要網上平台的直譯答案)

為響應博愛醫院籌募緊急援助金經費, 本集團再度參與Pok Oi hospital Charity Walk , 並捐贈了$9,800以示支持。

在2014年12月24日舉行的 Charity Walk得到了24位員工及其家屬的踴躍參與,本集團以隊制形式,分為兩隊,在元朗劇院為步行起點,源(The Tang Ancestral Hall)鄧氏宗祠及(Ling Tu Monastery)靈渡寺步行往終點。

透過是次步行籌款活動,本集團代表除了加強了對文化古蹟的認識,亦能夠一邊促進身心健康,一邊身體力行做善事,幫助社會上不幸的人士, 在輕鬆愉快的氣氛下,本集團代表經過了約三小時的步行後,順利完成了全長9公里的步行籌款活動。最後於元朗國際少林文化中心(Yuen Long the shaolin temple),在多位歌星悅耳的歌聲伴隨下,與所有参與者一同享用傳統風味的圍村盆菜,場面溫馨熱鬧。


回答 (2)

2014-12-22 3:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
In response to Pok Oi Hospital emergency assistance fund-raising, the Group once again participate in Pok Oi hospital Charity Walk, and donated $ 9,800 to show their support.

Held in December 24, 2014 Charity Walk has been actively involved in 24 employees and their families, the group prepared to form teams, divided into two teams for the walk starting at Yuen Long Theatre, the source (The Tang Ancestral Hall) Tang Ancestral Hall and (Ling Tu Monastery) Ling Du Temple walk to the end.

Walk through this fundraising event on behalf of the Group in addition to strengthening the understanding of cultural monuments, while also able to promote physical and mental health, while personally do good, to help the less fortunate people in a relaxed atmosphere, on behalf of the Group after after about three hours of walking, the successful completion of a total length of 9 km walk fundraising. Finally, in Yuen Long International Shaolin Cultural Center (Yuen Long the shaolin temple), in a number of singers accompanied by sweet voice, together with all participants enjoy the traditional flavor of village poon choi, warm and lively scene.

And the Group have also been a fraternity certificates of appreciation, to show their gratitude.
參考: me
2014-12-22 11:40 pm
為響應博愛醫院籌募緊急援助金經費, 本集團再度參與Pok Oi hospital Charity Walk , 並捐贈了$9,800以示支持。

在2014年12月24日舉行的 Charity Walk得到了24位員工及其家屬的踴躍參與,本集團以隊制形式,分為兩隊,在元朗劇院為步行起點,源(The Tang Ancestral Hall)鄧氏宗祠及(Ling Tu Monastery)靈渡寺步行往終點。

透過是次步行籌款活動,本集團代表除了加強了對文化古蹟的認識,亦能夠一邊促進身心健康,一邊身體力行做善事,幫助社會上不幸的人士, 在輕鬆愉快的氣氛下,本集團代表經過了約三小時的步行後,順利完成了全長9公里的步行籌款活動。最後於元朗國際少林文化中心(Yuen Long the shaolin temple),在多位歌星悅耳的歌聲伴隨下,與所有参與者一同享用傳統風味的圍村盆菜,場面溫馨熱鬧。

In response to the Pok Oi Hospital to raise emergency assistance funds, the Group once again participate in the Pok Oi Hospital Charity Walk, and donated $9,800 to show his support.

Charity Walk to be held on December 24, 2014 by 24 employees and their families participated in the scheme and the group in the form team, divided into two teams, in theatre, starting on foot, the source (The Tang Ancestral Hall) the Tang Ancestral Hall and (Ling Tu Monastery) in Ling du Temple walk to the finish line.

Through this fundraising walk, the Group's representative in addition to strengthening the awareness of the cultural heritage can also promote physical and mental health, while personally doing good and help those less fortunate in society, in a relaxed atmosphere, after after about three hours of walking, the representative of the group, the successful completion of a length of 9 km walk fundraising events. International Shaolin cultural center in Yuen long last (Yuen Long the Shaolin Temple), the sweet song of the singer, who accompanied, together with all participants enjoy a traditional village basin food, warm and lively scene.

And the whole group will love with certificates of appreciation, a token of appreciation.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 17:42:36
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