Does imagination come from reality, or does reality come from imagination?

2014-12-20 11:37 am

回答 (24)

2014-12-21 3:34 am
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'Thought'/imagination/memory (ego) is one feature of the One Universal (ALL inclusive, unchanging) Reality!

Neither 'thoughts' nor Consciousness is manufactured by that wet lump of meat in your skull!
We perceive 'thoughts' just as we perceive everything else that exists, and that is everything!

Reality IS Everything!
ALL inclusive!
2014-12-21 3:11 am
Short film below will answer your question. All the best!

Perceiving Reality:
2014-12-20 11:16 pm
To imagine something you need some fundamental things. These fundamental things can be obtained only from real life. Therefore it is clear that imagination comes from reality. Some of these imaginations or all may become true one day. Even then it is undeniable that imaginations come from reality.
2014-12-20 3:53 pm
The brain cannot imagine from nothing. An analogy is that you cannot build something without materials to build it with.
2014-12-20 11:39 am
Imagination and Reality are two sides of the same coin.
2014-12-20 11:37 am
I think you are imagining things.
2014-12-21 10:36 am
they are both connected
2014-12-21 10:25 am
Imagination and Reality are two sides of the same coin.
2014-12-21 7:04 am
Imagination comes from reality.
2014-12-20 2:20 pm
Please see my comment to "Hope is certainty"
2014-12-21 12:06 am
Imagination comes from reality in that, first, it comes from real, flesh and blood, brains, and second, in that the mind uses it's experience and knowledge of the physical world to create the imaginary.

Reality comes from imagination in that, often, what is imagined can be created, as in invention or art.

Just because it's one of my pet peeves, I'll say, as I see it, reality is not only the physical universe, but everything that exists. Imagination and that which is imagined may not exist physically, but it does exist.
2014-12-20 2:11 pm
2014-12-21 1:47 am
The reality we are trained to believe is real is a nation of temporary images--images in our natural, carnal minds that we, as in humanity, were created with along with a desire/lust to build upon it, regardless of how much we know they will not last. As other answer said, eternity, or timelessness (since some translations of eternity means "for an age/within a certain amount of time) is reality. True reality is so real we can't even perceive it.
2014-12-20 4:29 pm
Imagination is an alteration of reality, and we can and do alter our future reality with things that were once only imagined so the answer has to be; both.
2014-12-24 1:41 am
Try Sartre's The Imagination or his Psychology of the Imagination. There is a section on 'the imaginary life' where people can prefer it to reality.
2014-12-22 11:37 pm
2014-12-21 10:43 pm
If you can see it in your mind, then you can make it your reality, but it doesn't mean it is my reality too. Well I might learn from you if I like your manifestation, but our imaginations are wild if not guided by consciousness.
2014-12-21 6:13 pm
The perception of reality is the rational interpretation of the environment by the limited sensory system sentient beings are endowed with. The real question is 'are we real?' and therefore 'are our thoughts real'?
2014-12-21 4:09 pm
Imagination comes from that lump of wet, noodly appendages inside your head. Where do you think the spaghetti monster comes from - it's your brain buddy.
2014-12-20 11:25 pm
shh you'll wake baby with questions like that...
2014-12-20 9:12 pm
In the sometimes but not always.
2014-12-20 11:53 am
2014-12-20 11:37 am
2014-12-21 8:51 am
Imagination comes from deeper then reality more like dimensions of past lives embedded in our genetical triple helix.
2014-12-21 3:41 am
Reality comes from imagination
2014-12-20 11:36 pm
Philosophically speaking, it depends on various other factors and considerations. Particularly, we should verify whether that individual is wide awake and sane or sleeping now.

If one has crystal clear mind and pristine pure heart, his intuition will be true. There is a chance that other unscrupulous elements and mischief mongers may have unabated negative imaginations.

Trust Is in the Eye of the Beholder
參考: own
2014-12-20 11:20 pm
"Chicken and egg" dilemma. There is Mind, and Mind's creations as Spirit; there are also lesser, stepped-down, somewhat veiled "images" and various and sundry "claimed realities."

Where one is, there one may "begin philosophizing." According to Kant, one's pre-conscious awareness, developing from accreting 5-sense data streaming, moves into categorically-conditioned awareness. Presumably for Kant, this categorical phenomenological awareness includes both conceptualizing (including imaginings of e.g. "God Is (?)" and "Am I immortal (?)", which therefore lead to "antinomies," e.g. "God is greater than 5-sense phenomenal awareness"--which is correct, proven by Godel as "Incompleteness" for any sufficiently complex axiomized system) and "5-sense phenomenological ('naive') realism".

It may be more loving and wiser to simply develop imagination: E.g., "Light Is a Living Spirit," "The Path of the Higher Self;" and realization of "the real," e.g., Plotinus' "One Mind Soul"-awareness, Husserl's "epoche" ("Ideas").

It is also well to note Bergson's combining of "imagination" (per and qua intuition) and "realism": "An Introduction to Metaphysics".
2014-12-20 8:43 pm
Maybe both: Yin cannot perfectly exist without yang, and yang cannot perfectly exist without yin.
2014-12-20 6:04 pm
2014-12-20 7:00 pm
What is reality?
You and I can never know if we see things the same way.
My interpretation of red, or green, or yellow etc, is unique to me and I have no way of knowing how you see them.
For everything I deem as 'right' there is someone who will do the opposite and consider themselves 'right'.
There is no right or wrong, only what works for us in relation to what we are say we are trying to achieve.
Reality can only come from the imagination.
From the 'I'-Machinations
2014-12-20 3:35 pm
Trouble getting your mind around that one? Im not surprised, me too, and I'm sure there will be a lot of different opinions from those who think they know.

I think you have to treat them sepperately. Both imagination and the perception of reality enter the concious mind from "different directions".

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