why do so many people say "10 points for the best answer" - Isn't that automatic for the Best Answer??

2014-12-19 6:30 pm

回答 (26)

2015-11-18 4:50 pm
Yes, I find that annoying, too.

Even more annoying is reading answers from people who don't know what they're talking about.

You did that.

You answered a question about whether someone in their 20s. Could live a middle class lifestyle in Manhattan on $230,000 a year. You said that a guy in his 20s should be able to live anywhere in the US on that. Well, you clearly haven't seen the NYC housing market! I think that one COULD live a reasonable lifestyle for that, but it's not as crazy a question as you think. Rent on a small one bedroom apartment costs AT LEAST $2,000 a month. And you haven't seen what those apartments look like! To live a nice lifestyle in Manhattan, you have to make at LEAST that much money.

If you don't live here, why are you answering that question????
2014-12-19 6:31 pm
They believe that this will motivate/encourage more people to answer their question. However, most members who promise ten points rarely ever select a best answer.
2014-12-19 6:43 pm
Yes it is automatic they are just trying to encourage members to answer their question. My own experience has been that many of those posters never even bother to choose best answer, you might just as well ignore that little teaser.
2016-03-08 8:04 pm
Stop being so stupid and stop making excuses. You'll never get the best answer, so why are asking this question?!?
2014-12-19 8:50 pm
Cause they think that helps them get answers.....when it usually DOESN'T
2015-05-08 7:02 pm
It is automatic for Best Answer...assuming the person chooses a Best Answer. Some people will put that into their question to entice people to answer since the asker must now choose Best Answer.

If the asker does not choose, there will be no Best Answer. In days of old, questions went to a vote if the person did not choose a Best Answer.
2014-12-19 6:37 pm
They are just trying to encourage people to answer - by promising that they will pick a best answer. The ones that amuse me ar those who offer 20 points!
2015-11-10 7:55 pm
Because that's what you get 10 points. You're a L-7?
2014-12-19 6:30 pm
because people are stupid
2014-12-19 6:43 pm
It is to lure you into answering the question hoping they can award you extra points, they are working on the greed of the newbies
2015-11-19 1:47 pm
Why the fck you asking us for? Shouldn't you figure it out urself or are you just too stupid?
2015-04-20 1:11 pm
Yep its pretty dumb alright.
2015-04-17 12:19 pm
To confuse you Biff
2016-08-16 11:54 pm
It is to simply lure people and used as a form of manipulation to get a person to give a better quality answer.
2016-08-11 4:20 pm
Biff don't u have anything better to worry about. Like your erection problems? Get a life and don't worry about points. They wont help u. And STFFU!
2016-08-01 3:46 am
because people want 10 points...
2016-06-23 6:25 pm
maybe they want to weed out the people who aren't helpful ... like someone i know
2016-03-02 10:49 pm
they think that it they write that in their question it will encourage more people to answer their question and give their best answer to their question.
2016-03-02 8:54 pm
Because you might if, you adjust your answer.
2016-01-04 7:23 pm
sorry but could you remove your comment from my question because otherwise i cant delete it.....sorry
2015-11-30 6:38 pm
2016-06-28 7:42 pm
it's annoying and you do get 10 points for the best answer when your answer is chosen to be the best! some people just do that so people will answer their questions and want to swell
2016-03-07 11:07 pm
Jebfiebencnfpanw ejfjfbenejd
2015-02-26 10:04 pm
It makes people want to answer the question. Some people may have taken the guidelines quiz (gives 20 pts btw) which showed an example of that which Y!A said was perfectly ok.
2014-12-20 10:17 pm
It's an implied promise that they will choose a best answer to the question, sadly many of them give empty promises.
2015-11-20 12:46 am
To try to get you to answer the question. But then they will NOT chose a Best Answer.
People don't realize that we do NOT get paid for helping them we are only doing it out of the goodness of our hearts.
2014-12-31 3:01 am
Listen here you ****** cop get off of my answers page asking how did manage to save 20k with no job is that your business? Ya ****** bum

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