excel 公式運算

2014-12-20 7:59 am
E2=E1+A2+B2-C2 如似類推到E20,假設去到E10已經扣數到$0,怎樣設定公式運算,$0之後不能在往後儲存格再輸入數字,同時儲存格會即顯示紅色提示彈出字眼「超支」。請指教。謝!


回答 (1)

2014-12-22 11:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You may use the Data Validation function to restrict the data entry on columns A to C.
The restriction of data entry relies on the total value on column E (upper limit of 40000), the error message can be defined in the “Error Alert” tab under “Data Validation…” for the alert:
1. Select the data input cell range A2:C20
2. Select menu Data --> (Data Tools Tab) Data Validation…
3. Select options under (i) Allow: ‘Decimal’ or ‘Whole number’; (ii) Data: ‘less than or equal to’; and put value under (iii) Maximum: ‘40000’)
4. Click the “Error Alert” tab, keep the ‘Style’ to be “Stop”, enter the desired ‘Title’ and ‘Error message’ (e.g. “Budget exceeded limit!” or 「超支」)
5. Select OK
Now you may test data entry and see if the restriction is effected. When the upper limit is exceeded during data entry, an error warning dialogue box will pop up to prohibit further data entry, so it seems not necessary to change cell colour to red.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 20:55:38
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