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2014-12-19 4:43 am
The pathogenesis of pulmonary sequestration is still debated. Despite the obvious correlation of ELS with other congenital diseases,some cases of ILS seemed to be acquired after birth. This is based on the finding that there was a paucity of cases in a neonatal autopsy series, and the observation that pulmonary inflammation can stimulate collateral circulation to the lung [6]. In contrast, most of the cases with ELS were diagnosed within the first year of life,with or without the development of respiratory compromise . ELS also has higher incidence of associated congenital anomalies than ILS. In a series of 28 cases among children and adults,associated malformations occurred in 43% ofELS and 17% of ILS cases. The clinical features of pulmonary sequestrations vary, depending on the type of malformations, age at presentation and the size of the sequestered lung.On prenatal ultrasound,pulmonary sequestration commonly presents as an incidental finding of an echogenic thoracic mass that can be small or occupy most of the hemithorax. Mediastinal shift is often seen in cases of large pulmonary sequestration. Hydrops may develop in a minority of patients,possibly due to vascular compression. There is no validated predictive factor currently to estimate the progression of pulmonary sequestration and the risk of developing hydrops. ELS typically presents in symptomatic newborns with respiratory compromise. Recurrent pneumonia is less commonly reported, and most patients remain asymptomatic throughout the course. Most cases of postnatal ELS were identified during evaluation of an associated anomaly. ILS is usually detected in adolescents with recurrent pneumonia or signs of airway infection, like fever and productive cough. It is rarely diagnosed in the perinatal period. When patients with ILS become older, hemoptysis and chest pain may occur. If the aberrant artery supplying a sequestered lung is large, heart failure can develop in rare cases a result of high cardiac output.

回答 (2)

2014-12-20 4:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
2014-12-19 5:27 am
肺隔離症的發病機制仍有爭議。儘管ELS與其他先天性疾病明顯的相關性,某些情況下,ILS似乎出生後,被收購。這是基於這樣的發現,有的情況下在一個新生兒屍檢貧乏,並且肺部炎症可以刺激側支循環至肺[6]的觀測。與此相反,大多數情況下的ELS生命的第一年之內被診斷,有或無呼吸妥協的發展。ELS也有相關的先天性畸形比ILS的發生率較高。在一系列的28例兒童和成年人中,伴發畸形發生在43%ofELS和ILS病例17%。肺隔離症的臨床特徵各不相同,這取決於畸形,年齡在介紹的類型和螯合lung.On產前超聲波的大小,肺隔離通常呈現為迴聲胸椎質量的一個偶然的發現,可以是小的或佔據最的胸腔。縱隔移位常見於大型肺隔離症病例。水腫可能發展的少數患者,可能是由於血管壓迫。沒有有效的預測因素目前估計肺隔離症的進展和發展水腫的風險。 ELS典型表現有症狀的新生兒呼吸窘迫。反复肺炎不太常見的,而且大多數患者在整個過程中保持無症狀。相關的異常評價中被確定大多數情況下,產後ELS的。 ILS在青少年經常性肺炎或呼吸道感染症狀,如發燒,咳嗽,通常檢測。它很少被診斷在圍產期。當患者ILS成為年紀大了,可能會出現咯血和胸部疼痛。如果異常動脈供給隔離肺大,心臟衰竭可在極少數情況下開發高心輸出量的結果

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