Should I ask or not? Am i over thinking the problem?

2014-12-18 6:48 am
So one of my friend, I'll call her Rose for now, is leaving the country soon and decided to invite some close friends to a small gathering before she leaves. And as one of her close friend, I'm close with her other close friends as well. And just then Rose told me that one girl( I'll call her Amanda for now) won't be able to go because she's too busy. I kind of want to ask Amanda why can't she go just so that Amanda knows that I care (we haven't hang out for a while), but i'm worried that maybe Rose didn't actually ask Amanda, and if i end up asking Amanda why can't she make it to the gathering, causing Amanda to know that she's not invited, it would be horrible. But if i end up going without asking amanda, Amanda might think that we didn't invite her, and as a good friend of hers, i didn't even tell her about it..

Does anyone understand my concern?

回答 (1)

2014-12-18 6:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
No I don't. If as you say you are all such good friends, why would you think she ( Amanda ) wasn't invited in the first place. If you are that concerned, just ask her if she invited Amanda in the first place. If she says yes, leave it at that. Whatever happens, Rose is leaving so that ends any hard feelings that could happen anyway.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 15:21:13
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