
2014-12-17 8:53 pm
1) 如題, 買二手樓要驗什麼?
2) 但例如家電,廚具爐頭,來去水,各樣設備是否都是買現狀,並不保證其功能是可正常運作?如爐頭不能起火, 來去水慢, 鋁窗玻璃膠老化,甚至漏水.如有以上問題又如何是好?
3) 另外, 如銀行估價要求上門估價,業主要成交前1日才在港, 又怎能什按揭呢?


回答 (2)

2014-12-17 9:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案


2014-12-17 11:21 pm
1. It is a simple walkaround. Most people will use this opportunity to ask the contractor to come for ideas of renovation.

2. Mostly yes (in that case, the owner will not have to worry about repair). Unless fraud has been involved, the owner will be released from any liabilities.

3. It is impossible.

a. Banks rarely appraise a property in-person.

b. Even in-person appraisal is required, usually it will be done before the final deposit (up to 10%) is made.

There is no way that an appraisal will take place that late (at that time, either the deal is off or the mortgage has been officially approved).

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