Poll: Is Barack Obama a good president?

2014-12-16 2:28 pm

回答 (1047)

2014-12-17 3:15 am
Worst president ever. Barack Obama is a Muslim terrorist.
2014-12-16 8:54 pm
No way -- It is sad that Obama won as I, a person who is white and who voted for McCain, was hoping the first black president we would have would be a good one. I believed that Obama not being a good president could make the connection that white people and black people have with one another weaker.
2014-12-17 1:02 am
As US presidents go, I think he's pretty good, yes. He certainly hasn't done many of the things that I hoped he would, when I voted for him and donated money to the Democratic cause. In some cases this is because Obama -- like all US presidents, I believe -- has to play ball with the biggest campaign donors, with the "1 percent," in order to get anything done. I think that's why his Treasury Dept. people made sure the big financial industry bailout of 2009 was mostly directed toward helping the banks, not the people who bought bad mortgages from them. But Bush's people did exactly the same thing before Obama's people got to it. It shows how powerful the Wall Street banks are, I think.

In other ways, Obama has often tried to do right but has been undercut at every turn by the GOP, I think.

Hard to tell how historians will think of him 50 years from now.
2014-12-17 8:14 pm
It's hard to say, history requires us to look backwards, he gets a lot of flak, and I am not sure all of it warranted. The ridiculous constant accusations about his birth certificate, whether or not he has ties to Muslim terrorists, etc. seem to overshadow him. His health care plan was ambitious and it appears that he did something truly historic in that realm. All presidents are subject to intense criticism and to a lot of outright paranoid, political speculation, some of it erring on the side of insanity. People use the prez as an outlet for blame. The truth is if we each did something to make this country a better place we'd be healing this nation in no time. Easier just to blame him and everyone else I guess.
2014-12-17 10:59 pm
He's doing fine, I guess. No worse than what we've had in the past to be sure. Still I think the President gets too much of the credit and the blame for a lot of issues. If you want tangible changes to your daily lives, you should pay more attention to your state and local governments, not the feds. Your mayor has more effect on your daily life than the President ever will.
2014-12-17 5:13 pm
Yes. He's a good president. But my issue with him is, he talks about change but won't do it. There should be just one president. There should be at-least 3 of each majority. So six in total.
2014-12-17 3:31 pm
His position on issues is very similar to Jimmy Carters when he was in office. I wouldn't say he is terrible, probably mediocre, like he hasn't done anything huge besides Obamacare, but that is a controversial thing, so it will take time to know. You can't really begin to judge a presidency until they are out of office, so ask this again on Jan 20th, 2017.
2014-12-23 2:46 am
Barack Obama is not a President he is merely filling the space until one can be elected.
2014-12-23 3:16 am
He's the worst president in America's history. He's a Marxist and a Muslim and is presiding over the destruction of America. He's gutted our military, destroyed the economy, destroyed the best healthcare system in existence, opened the borders as wide as possible so ISIS and drug cartel members can come in, disappear and are never tracked, embraces terrorists while designating returning veterans who put their lives on the line for this country, pro-lifers, etc as potential terrorists, is coddling Iran as they feverishly rush to finish their nuclear capabilities (and showered 7 BILLION dollars on them in a goodwill gesture), has never been caught in a truthful statement. This is only the tip of the iceberg. Get the picture?
2014-12-22 1:46 pm
As the current Presider of the USA he has been a respectful leader of the free world. He is polite and tries his best to do the right thing. He does not embarrass us like some of his predecessors have and that has much intrinsic value. In my opinion. I consider him to be a good heated man.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 15:16:24
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