急問tense 問題

2014-12-16 10:54 pm
Tom has died. He was my father.

問問上邊句子既tense 有無用錯。

回答 (6)

2014-12-26 10:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Tom has died => Present Perfect => Wrong
(Tom died does not affect things now
Tom was dead=> Correct)
Tom was dead => Correct
He wasmy father => Past Tense => Wrong
(He is always your father although he was dead)
He ismy father => Correct
Hope I can help you ^_^
參考: mE
2014-12-25 11:05 pm
Tom was died.He is my father.
2014-12-21 1:07 am
係He is my father.如果你話He was my father.就表示Tom曾經係你爸爸,但現在唔係。

2014-12-20 17:08:57 補充:
2014-12-17 7:49 pm
如果 Tom 最近逝世
Tom has passed away. He is my father (~ avoid saying the word "die")
Tom has died. He is my father

Use present perfect for a recent event without a definite time given.
When we say that 'something has happened', this is usually new information.
The present perfect is a present tense. It always tells us about the situation now.
I have lost my father. My father is no longer with me. I am in mourning now.

Do not use present perfect when you talk about a finished time in the past. (yesterday/last year/in 1997/when I was a child)
Use past tense.

Tom passed away (died) yesterday. He is my father.

We often use the present perfect to give news: to tell people about new things that have happened
So far fifty people have died in the plane crash.

die 是 intransitive verb, 沒有 object
When a person, animal or plant dies they stop being alive and become dead
常理 die 好像是無 progressive aspect, 事因死不是 continuing action, 是一瞬間 (斷氣)
但是 usage 有 continuous tense
Every day many people are dying in Africa. (~ emphasizing 每天不斷有許多人死)
如果 die 解 "逝世", has died 只有應用在 "最近逝世"

幾十年前死亡, 幾百年前死亡, 相信不能使用 has died, 雖然句子沒有 specify time. 純個人意見

已死了 翻譯 has died 是錯,
Ludwig van Beethoven has died. ~ 錯
Ludwig van Beethoven has been dead. ~ OK (dead 是 adjective; It describes a state)
Ludwig van Beethoven has been dead for many years. ~ OK
Ludwig van Beethoven died many years ago. ~ OK

"He is my father" or "He was my father" ?
常理應用 past tense, 事因 Tom 已死了, 現在不可能做父親
陳述某人, 特別人已死了多年, 與自己無關, 用 past tense

講到自己父親, 暫時放低 grammar. Rules are made to be broken.
Tom is my father.
Tom 在我的心中, 永遠是父親, 無論是 past, present or future

死 (口語) informal English :
drop dead = 倒斃
kick the bucket = 死; 死掉

2014-12-26 01:29:46 補充:
To 回答者: 一個人想著一個人 & Chan:

die 是 intransitive verb, 不能有 object, 不能轉做 passive voice
died 是 past tense 或 past participle, died 不是 adjective, dead 才是 adj.

He is died. ~ 錯
如果當 died 是 adjective
如果當 died 是 past participle, 用 passive v. 錯
He has died. ~OK (present perfect tense)

2014-12-31 21:36:30 補充:
To 回答者: 匿名*

"Tom has died => Present Perfect => Wrong
(Tom died does not affect things now "

Your statement is not quite right
If Tom has died very recently, it affects Tom's daughter now.
She is in mourning now.The sadness is caused by the bereavement of death

2014-12-31 23:08:09 補充:
如果 Tom 剛剛死, 死在手術室枱上
"Tom has died." ~ perfectly acceptable.
The blunder is that you don't consider all the possibilities.
"Tom has died."只是簡單的一句
Present perfect 很多用法

2014-12-31 23:32:17 補充:
Tom has died. He was my father.
如果 Tom 是講者的 step-father, 對 Tom 是毫無感情, 但不喜歡用 step-father,
恐怕人發現, 這麼講 OK嗎?
Tom 死了, 這次事件對講者無影響. 對講者來說是過去

2015-01-01 11:42:33 補充:
"Tom has died => Present Perfect => Wrong
(Tom died does not affect things now"
"Ronald McKinnon has died" ~ from Economist
我以前寫過當宣佈 News 經常使用 Present perfect.
2014-12-17 6:51 am
Tom was dead/Tom died/Tom has passed away. He is my father
2014-12-17 1:33 am
Tom is died. He is my father.

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