
2014-12-16 10:10 pm
- 負責收發貨,上落貨,清潔倉庫
- 執貨,搬貨,送貨,跟車
- 開支票,整理文件,聽電話,收發件


回答 (2)

2014-12-17 6:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
- 負責收發貨,上落貨,清潔倉庫
- 執貨,搬貨,送貨,跟車
- 開支票,整理文件,聽電話,收發件
The main duties are responsible for jobs as being a storekeeper, clerical clerk and janitor;
--being responsible for receiving and shipping, loading and cleaning of store;
--for sorting, moving, delivering and as assistant to the truck;
--issuing cheque, managing files, operating phone calls and receiving and dispatching documents;
--dealt with repairs' items and to dispatch letters in post office;
--assisting superiors to fax, managing files and all miscellaneous matters;
--dealt with boss' miscellaneous matters;
--delivery of garbage and waste water;
--delivery of hot tea for customers, washing tea cups and cleaning office.
參考: Partly according to Dictionary
2014-12-18 5:57 am
- 負責收發貨,上落貨,清潔倉庫
- 執貨,搬貨,送貨,跟車
- 開支票,整理文件,聽電話,收發件
Responsible for warehouse, clerical, cleaning
-Responsible for the delivery, unloading, cleaning the warehouse
-Medical goods, move cargo, delivery, car
-Checking, filing, phone calls, send and receive
-Maintenance products, go to the post office to mail
-Boss fax filing, boss, all small
-Boss all small
-Take out the trash, pouring water
-Tea to guests, wash the cups and saucers and cleaning the Office

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 17:39:07
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