excel 公式運算

2014-12-16 9:13 pm

回答 (1)

2014-12-17 2:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you allow A10 to exceed 28000 and highlight with colour when exceeded, you may use Conditional Formatting --> Highlight Cells Rule --> Greater Than --> {enter 28000 in the data field, and choose highlight colour} --> OK.

If you don't allow A10 to exceed 28000 (i.e. no need to use colour to highlight), you may enter the following formula:
=min({original value or formula},28000)
When the original value or formula exceeds 28000, the formula will take 28000.

2014-12-17 18:33:56 補充:
The correct formula is:
Note that "=" appears once in the first character to identify this is a formula, there is no need to put "=" in front of the SUM function except for value comparison if equal or not. With the min() function, you don't need conditional formatting.

2014-12-17 18:46:21 補充:
The correct formula is:
Note that "=" appears once in the first character to identify this is a formula, there is no need to put "=" in front of the SUM function except for value comparison if equal or not. With the min() function, you don't need conditional formatting.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 20:52:18
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