I feel so bad for rejecting my friend, what should i do so she won't think that i'm purposely rejecting her?

2014-12-16 12:35 am
So, a friend invited me to her birthday party but i couldn't make it because of some personal issue. She then invite me to hang out tomorrow, but i have work and i'm going to be busy for the following week because a good friend of mine is leaving the country and it's also christmas soon. I don't want to keep rejecting her invites, because she might get the wrong idea of me not wanting to hang out with her, which is not the case. What should i do so that my reasons won't sound like i'm refusing to see her?

回答 (1)

2014-12-16 12:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
Why don't you set up a date to hang out? Don't lie to her about why you can't hang out, just go ahead and set something up for a day you can meet even if it may be weeks from now. Also call her once in a while just to see how she's doing and to chat even though you may not be meeting for while. You said you will be spending time with a good friend who will be leaving the country. Is it possible to invite this friend to lunch or coffee with your good friend and you? This may be something to consider.

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