straight medium hair or curly and short?

2014-12-16 12:27 am

回答 (25)

2014-12-17 7:09 pm
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Straight and medium

-girl with curly short hair
2014-12-18 1:47 pm
2014-12-17 4:04 pm
Straight medium hair or depend on your face.
2014-12-17 2:50 pm
Straight medium.
2014-12-17 6:20 am
Hi, I think Straight medium hair is looking beautiful and awesome.
2014-12-16 8:23 pm
Long n curly ... ^_~
2014-12-21 3:51 am
just shave your head and wear vocaloid wigs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 >_<
2014-12-19 5:26 pm
strait medium is better
2014-12-19 2:30 am
I love culry hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2014-12-18 1:18 pm
On straight hair you can do any hair styles.
2014-12-17 11:03 pm
whatever that will make you feel comfortable and confident. Always remember that It's not about the style. As long as you can carry it, and you can project yourself with oomph and confidence. You'll rock! :) good luck my dear!
2014-12-17 10:47 pm
Medium curly hair. o.o
2014-12-17 7:31 pm
Of the Three Stooges I liked Curly. Mo and Larry
by any other name are just another bad hair day.
2014-12-17 7:10 pm
Straight medium hair
2014-12-17 5:24 pm
curly and short
2014-12-17 2:27 pm
I like straight medium hair. It looks clean and it's easy to take care of! (answer my question please!)
2014-12-17 1:01 pm
if naturally curly I wouldn't straighten it as ruins hair if gives frizz, if naturally straight the same applys, embrace what you have
2014-12-17 12:10 pm
2014-12-17 11:20 am
long curl
2014-12-17 10:13 am
short curly
2014-12-17 10:08 am
Straight medium hair is very common so for a different look I prefer curly and short :)
2014-12-17 9:26 am
Straight medium hair or depend on your face
2014-12-17 8:40 am
My hair is damn straight but I want curly hairs.
2014-12-17 7:23 am
Straight medium hair.
2014-12-17 6:57 am
Straight medium. ????
2014-12-17 6:36 am
Straight medium hair
2014-12-17 5:52 am
long and shining..........
2014-12-17 5:34 am
straight medium
2014-12-17 2:32 am
I like straight medium hair. It looks clean and it's easy to take care of! (answer my question please!)
2014-12-16 9:00 pm
Straight medium with a slight curl.
2014-12-16 5:36 am
Straight medium length hair will give a gorgeous look than curly short hair.
2014-12-16 2:39 am
curly and short - like mine!
2014-12-16 1:22 am
staight medium my hair is like that when i straghten it
2014-12-16 1:16 am
straight medium
2014-12-16 12:29 am
personally prefer straight medium hair

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