Am I not ready for a psychedelic?

2014-12-14 9:27 am
Okay so I have been smoking weed for 3 Years, not frequently but I would maybe a few times a Month I have always been fine with smoking weed and I really liked it for a while until recently when I smoked with a few Friends and I literally tripped out. The begining I saw flying
Bunnies and the whole
Trip after that I was screaming
And crying and I was shivering So hard I couldn't breath, I wasn't cold tho. I really wanted to try a psychedelic like
Shrooms or acid or dmt, however if I can't handle cannabis will I just set myself up for a bad trip if I try a psychedelic? Thank you : )

回答 (5)

2014-12-15 7:19 am
That bad trip doesn't sound like weed, you were doing some other drug. Take a couple grams of shrooms and see how it effects you, you don't have to go crazy with them your first time. Don't smoke weed and use shrooms at the same time though, that tends to lead to a paranoid trip.
2014-12-15 6:59 am
That doesn't sound like cannabis you smoked kid. That maybe some pcp or who knows what. What ever you experienced that is like a crazy high and sounds unpleasant.

If it was actually weed psychedelics are probably not a good idea, but they can affect people differently.
2014-12-15 12:03 am
In 1968 I dropped acid (the good stuff) months before I smoked weed.
It was the beginning of a long, strange, enjoyable trip, for myself and many friends.
Lots of good times.
2014-12-14 2:10 pm
There's a reason that stuff is illegal. I knew a guy who took acid once and it fckd with him for the next three years. Be careful. You can do a lot of damage.
2014-12-14 9:37 am
Mm pretty dramatic for pot.yeah keep away from
All drugs and come out of the dark the light awaits yuu
參考: Doc kick the drugs

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