What is the best natural remedy for mange in puppies? Dosage for 40b great dane pup. Dandruff shampoo, acv, DE, or coconut oil?

2014-12-14 6:31 am

Please tell me your experience

回答 (6)

2014-12-15 8:21 am
- Use BIVERMECTIN 0.1% at a dose of 1 ml / 2,5-3kg body weight subcutaneously, injected once per week, for 3 consecutive weeks. (There are some dogs are sensitive to ivermectin is not used as Collie, Australian Sheepdog, Bobtail, Shetland Sheepdog, long-haired Whippet).
- In addition to the treatment to be effective, should be combined with mind CHAIR AND OIL BIO-Shampoo 5 years have Derma by wetting the entire hair, the shampoo on the hair and rubbing them for 1-2 minutes. Let stand for 5 minutes and then clean with water bath. Bath once a week. Note: Do not make eye contact with the oil bath the dog.
- If purulent dermatitis, you must use more antibiotics Amox LA BIO-dose 1ml / 10kg body weight, administered intramuscularly. Repeat dose after 48 hours. Also can use more medicine BIO-AD3E, BIO-METASAL, to heal sick pet.
2014-12-14 6:55 am
If natural remedies worked, then veterinary medicine would be an un-needed science. Treat your pup with some real medicine - pretend you actually care for the dog.
2014-12-14 6:51 am
One kind of mange requires a prescription dip and the other goes away by itself. See your vet, please, to find out what your dog needs.
2014-12-19 9:01 am
Most likely diet related; pets do well on very natural diets; raw or lightly cooked game foods ( in water; purified if poss) The cooking in water realeases the gelatin from the bone which is nourishing and helps gut flora. Good gut flora is esssential as around 80 percent of the immune system is in the gut. Omit or reduce starch foods from dogs diet; animals werent intended to eat these products. use natural washing methods , just plain water or gentle puppie shampoo <organic if poss. Only use flea powder if fleas are noticed. Take caution with worm tabs; dogs can be allergic to heart worm medication and some states arent prone to this problem ; its often the tropical places where heart worm occurs; however , worming can be done on a regular basis, but some vets differ on how often.
2014-12-14 10:13 am
African black liquid soap. Health food store.
2016-03-11 9:58 am
It could....But what I have been told is that it is more hairspray and gel and mouse products that cause dandruff. If you use coconut shampoo and it causes flakes you may have an allergic reaction to it.

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