I'm 11 and I can't figure out this, help?

2014-12-13 6:14 am
Ok so.... *sigh* I'm uhh... I'm pregnant, buuut I don't know why! This man kidnapped me and stuck his part in me a couple times, would that make me pregnant!? It hurt really bad! I'm scared... What do I do how did I get pregnant?? The man dropped me off at my house so im still alive, or he just liked me so he let me live, I don't know please just help! My mom told me I was pregnant and made me take s test so just help!!! I need advice! How did this happen?? :(( heelllppp!!

回答 (6)

2014-12-13 6:24 am
Please I'm not lying????????
2014-12-13 6:36 am
first of all you're a troll. if for some insane reason you are telling the truth, go to the police, your mother SHOULD be the one to do that, if she is worth a crap. if she doesn't then you go yourself!
but since you're just a troll, it doesn't really matter
2014-12-13 6:21 am
Is this really your best effort at trolling? I think you can do better.
2014-12-13 6:16 am
2014-12-13 2:13 pm
Insane being pregnant at 11 is impossible cuz your body features hasn't well developed or ready for pregnancy
2014-12-13 11:11 am
Kidnapped and pregnant! WOW

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