please help marriage in trouble!?

2014-12-13 12:44 am
I just got married Nov. 22 2014. We have only been married 3 weeks. We argue all the time, but the problem we are arguing about is his mother tries to stay in our business. Were 24 & 25 ages. His mother & her husband came over the weekend it was hell. I had no idea they were coming until the morning of my husband didn't tel me on top of this I had a hair appointment so they were at our house fixing breakfast with him. I left the house angry & came back home to find our bills & everything everywhere his family came over saying they wanted to help us I was in shock I didn't know any of this. Then told us he appointments setup for us to look at apartments. I told them I was not & my husband has not told me any of this. They left angry at me he demanded I give them apology I refused. This is our first time living on our own. Were are talking things out to see what we wanted to do. I told them I only talked with husband about all this once & know what to do. Well everything was great until he went to the bank with our money. He is now involving his family in our money problems. He talked with & said he wants a annulment and when I text him he tells me he's in a meeting. He doesn't want to come home and keeps telling our issues with family. I am heartbroken he said will call me back after his meeting. He has anger problems be4. I try & cuddle with him & kiss he pushes me away unless he wants sex. He always too tired though. I feel like have made a mistake but I really want us.

回答 (6)

2014-12-13 12:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
I'm sorry but he and his family are a package deal. Sounds to me like they voted unanimously that he should get an annulment. Please consider this a mistake and that his will only get worse.

My husband's also close to his family and I tolerated my MIL's intrusion with our privacy. You don't want in-laws like that. Good luck.
2014-12-13 12:24 pm
You should talk to your husband and tell him that you want true love, and to talk openly about everything, and that you and he need to decide everything together. If you do not get a kiss, then he does not deserve sex, not at all . Sex does not exist for the brutalisation but for enjoyment. You'll have to fight and win for your love.
2014-12-13 1:38 am
You are obviously both far too immature to be married. The best ting for all involved would be for both of you to admit the mistaken and get a fast divorce.

You can try again with someone else when you grow up.
2014-12-13 12:54 am
If you are going to have a chance at a successful marriage, HE needs to tell his parents to butt out of your marriage. Also, the two of you really need to get some couples counseling, and find a free financial counselor (in person or online) to help you sort through your financial mess. Finances are actually the #1 reason that couples get divorced. Add a meddling family into the pot, and it's just a giant mess.
2016-03-11 9:34 am
It does sound like a case of "Use and Get Used". You have 2 choices. You could try explaining the situation to your husband and let him know how you feel whole heartedly, and hope that he'll take your feelings into consideration. If you are absolutely miserable, the talking doesn't change anything, then you could try and ask for a legal aid lawyer (free or small fee) and file for a divorce due to irreconcilable differences. Since you've been in the US for more than a year and are married to an American citizen (hopefully), then you wouldn't have to worry about not being legal. So you could divorce free and clear. Good Luck!
2014-12-13 6:00 am
What is going on right now is the definition of "us".
And you make it clear you do not want that. So it could be that you want what it is you want and you have tried to put that man into that dream and they aren't the same dream.

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