急 請問有冇英文好既人睇下篇文有咩改

2014-12-11 8:51 am
In this Customer Service Fundamentals project, I think it is difficult because there are many unexpected factors.
There are many difficulties in this project, for example, to choose the place, I think the choice of a place should be to conform to our elements. If the begin we choose the wrong place, it will increase the difficulty.
Another difficulty is go to the locality to proceed range by the naked eye. When stepped into the doorway of the moment, we have to carefully monitor the environment, facilities and people's attitudes, clothing, knowledge skills. Plus is to be very focused, once missed an example will be far less.
In to set pen to paper, need to ponder on what examples need to use and how to avoid from the example with other team members, how to in-depth to write the examples, and the examples does it can reflect the situation or whether digress, hoping to reduce the chance of error.
But I think the more difficult places is in the Video Shooting because it requires a lot of time to complete. In the process, we need to write the manuscript, in this regard is very difficult. First, for every one we need to arrange them enough scenes and dialogue, second we need quick to recite a lot of dialogue in the short period of time. Finally, in the process of film also need to have eye contact and exchange with the classmate. Of course, the most important is our acting. It can bring out the authentic circumstances. In the Video Shooting, we are also have some error, for example, we said that the wrong and forgot the dialogue, and then we have a lot of comical event to make the video was interrupted and we often subconsciously said some Chinese vocabulary when the video shooting is use English to speak at the time.

回答 (3)

2014-12-11 9:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你自己注意修改上怎樣組織和字的修改才算是較為通順和正確的英文):In this Customer Service Fundamentals project, I think there are difficulties with many unexpected factors, for example, in choosing the place. I think the choice of a place should be to conform to our elements. If we choose the wrong place to begin with, it will more difficult later.
Another difficulty is to inspect visually on location. When stepping into the doorway of the moment, and people's attitudes, their clothing and knowledge. In addition, we need to be very focus.In composing, I need to ponder on what examples to use and how to avoid the examples used by other team members, how to analyze the examples in-depth, and whether the examples can reflect the situation or digress, and be careful to reduce the chance of error.But I think it is also difficult in Video Shooting because it required a lot of time to complete. In the process, we need to write the manuscript, in this regard is very difficult. First, for every one we need to arrange them enough scenes and dialogue. Second, we need to quickly recite a lot of dialogue in a short period of time. Last/Third, in the process of filming we also need to have communications with the classmate. Of course, the most important in filming is our acting. It can bring out the authentic circumstances. In the Video Shooting, we had made some mistakes, for example, we said that the words wrong and forgot the dialogue, and then we have a lot of comical incidents to make the video shooting interrupted and we often subconsciously said some Chinese vocabulary when the video shooting while using English to speak at the time.Although, we encountered several difficult situations before completion, but I think the most smooth-sailing and fun is to speak in Mandarin to communicate. It is because I think in comparison to English, I can remember Chinese quicker, we can speak fluently in the process.你篇文太長了,原本有很多解釋你的錯處無法寫了。
2014-12-11 4:42 pm
Firstly,.... Secondly,...... Finally, ...
We also have some errors.
When stepping into the doorway, we have to monitor x, y, and z carefully.
.. there are many events difficult to complete
"..Chinese can faster to remember..." ~ wrong
Let others help you as well.
2014-12-11 10:33 am
grammar note:
it is difficult...

If "it" is dummy-it, you need a complement after "difficult", such as "to carry out".
Otherwise, "it" should refer to the project.

I think this Customer Service Fundamentals project is difficult because .....

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