急!Homework is not necessary

2014-12-11 6:01 am
I will have debate on Friday . I am the member of the team that supports the
point, homework is not necessary . Please helps me to think about some points .
Both Chinese and English are ok but English is better . Quick !!!!!!! 急!!!!!

回答 (4)

2014-12-11 4:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In my argument for debate on Friday HW is not necessary supported (Mon--Fri):-
(1)HW had been done at sc.eg:-The International Sc.done during class period and hand in immediately, and in note-form only.(Mon--Fri) Can you understand ?
(2)Our HW done and learnt & recited all we needed to know v.well at Now & There.
(3)No need to prepare for Exam 1 yr. later=Future Education Policy !
(4)Student/parents may complaint that too much HW means killing the local students,no respect,tired them, and put teachers to jail & no salary whatever ! Beware of doing anything that might reveal your harsh HW policy !
(5)The motion without HW under debate are put to a successful vote. Thanks.
2014-12-14 5:50 pm
1. Homework condones cheating.in some ways. 你抄我, 我抄你, 大家分工合作
有錢請補習老師"請槍"應付, 或哥哥姐姐幫手, 全家總動員 (包括父母)

2. 功課多數無趣, 千篇一律, standardized exercises.目的只應付考試

3, Homework encourages rote learning. 學生多數是 passive learners, 很少變做 active learners.

2014-12-14 10:01:40 補充:
4. 減少學生 play time, family time, especially relax time (take time off work)

5. 長時間患失眠 (insomnia) 或者"睡眠不足", 上課無精打采, 對身體有害,
功課壓力大, 長期擔心, 患得患失

6. Homework can cause conflict between students and their parents (父母催孩子做功課. 互相責罵)
2014-12-14 3:06 pm
aim of homework: to improve students' answering skills through practical exercise.

1. to successfully reach the above aim, homework is not the only way. i.e. Homework is replaceable by quiz, exam, etc.

2. homework itself may not be able to reach the above aim since students with heavy homework loads tend to copy answers directly instead of doing them.

3. Homework causes burden to students by reducing their leisure time, which may lead to lack of sleep and rest.

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參考: myself
2014-12-11 7:25 am

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