What is your definition of 'friend'? Do you think there are true friendships anymore?

2014-12-09 10:16 pm

回答 (10)

2014-12-11 6:10 am
A friend is someone who truly has your best interest at heart. There are still true friendships, but there are much fewer. More people are only self centered these days.

A true friend isn't the person who gives you a cake with a file in it if you're in jail, as much as some would think they are. A true friend might be the one who posts you bond, or possibly even leave you there if that's what you need.
2014-12-10 8:23 am
Friend means with whom I can share everything specially happiness,sadness etc. Actually friend is person who will be happy in my happiness also will be sad in my sadness. I thing true friends are available.
2014-12-09 11:09 pm
It is impossible to give a full definition of "friend" but a friend is someone whose company you enjoy, who supports you when you are distressed, cheers for you in your endeavors and helps you through hardships. Yes, there are true friendships still.

I have had many friends in my life and I have at least one true friend today who has been my friend for forty five years. I have other old friends whom I rarely see because they live some distance from me. Some of them go back to my grade school years over sixty years ago. Incidentally, to have a true friend, you must be a true friend.
2014-12-09 11:09 pm
I do believe TRUE friendships exist. Is it common, no. It is hard to justify a true friend vs a friend. I believe I have a true friend, but only time will tell. They are hard to come by, but they do exist.
2014-12-09 10:35 pm
I keep my 'circle' so small you can stick a pin through it. When I consider a person a friend, they are ride or die for me and I them. That person is family to me but nowadays and years before I learned who to put that title on.
2014-12-09 10:33 pm
A true Friend is Anyone who comes to Help You- when They have "Better Things" to Do. ;)
2014-12-09 10:28 pm
I think there can be, I've never had one though I don't think. Everyone just talks behind peoples backs and then nobody trusts each other anymore
2014-12-09 10:27 pm
You never really no someone. You think you do then BAM. They show you there true colors. The older I get the more I see how fake people truly are. And it's so sad. Good luck out there
2014-12-09 10:20 pm
To be honest I would say yes but no because now and days you can't trust nobody
參考: My opinion
2014-12-11 6:15 pm

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