I'm a 13year old girl and my crush who's a 12year old guy (he looks 15 and he's pretty much as strong as one) won't wrestle me. Why?

2014-12-09 5:33 pm

回答 (3)

2014-12-09 6:02 pm
because he doesnt want to hurt you, but he also doesnt want to be bested by a girl. if you were a guy you would understand a little more.
2014-12-09 5:43 pm
because guys don't wrestle girls
2014-12-09 5:37 pm
Maybe he doesn't want to hurt you, or thinks your a bit weird because most girls wouldn't wrestle there crush, unless it's flirty, or he just isn't intrested, or could be quite frigid an scared to fight back and show that he might have a thing for you too x

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 00:51:42
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