If 8p = -2X2 - 100, which of the following could X possibly be?

2014-12-09 5:09 pm
A) X = square root of 8 times p plus 100 over 2
B) X = square root of negative 8 times p plus 100 over negative 2
C) X = square root of negative 8 times p minus 100 over 2
D) X = square root of 8 times p minus 100 over negative 2

Thank you!

回答 (1)

2014-12-09 5:19 pm
Assuming you mean 8p = -2x² - 100 (Note: x² is written x^2) when you cannot use superscripts
Reorganize the equation and divide across by 2
x² = -50 - 4p
x = √(-50 - 4p)
None of the above answers is correct. (order of operations failure)
C) would be correct if written as X = square root of [(negative 8 times p minus 100) over 2]

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