
2014-12-09 11:19 pm
Given that the cost of producing n watches is C(n) (unit: $), where C(n)=50000+80n
a) Find the cost of producing 60 watches.
Is the answer $54800.
b) If a shop sells these watches at a price of $1000 each,
i) Express P(n) (unit: $) to express the profit of selling n watches.
ii) Find the profit of selling 80 watches.

回答 (1)

2014-12-10 2:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
a) Just fill in the the formula:
C(60) = 50,000 + 80*60 = 54,800
bi) It is not clearly stated, but I assume that you have made 60 watches in the first place.
So the profit will be
P(n) = 1000n - 54800
bii) p(80) = 1000x80 - 54800 = 25,200

2014-12-09 18:56:51 補充:
咦... 問題有錯喎... 做左60隻點賣80隻呀 ???
但係 assume 係賣咁多就做咁多又好似唔合邏輯,anyway要改一下成為
P(n) = 1000n - (50000+80n)
P(n) = 920n - 50000
bii) P(80) = 920x80 - 50000 = 23600

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