
2014-12-09 1:54 pm

回答 (5)

2014-12-09 9:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I won't say it is completely reasonable (as the law firm fails to explain the expenses to you). However, it seems it is reasonable.

In the litigation, professional reports or expert testimonies can cost more then the legal fee as in many cases, these reports and testimonies are the key of the entire case. Since you do not have the itemized list of expenses, it is difficult to say right or wrong.

However, since you have mentioned a report was done, my guess is most of the fees are spent on that report. In that case, it sounds reasonable.

If you have questions regarding your bills, you should always discuss with your firm first. After explanation, if you suspect issues, you can contact Law Society of Hong Kong or Hong Kong Bar Association (for the fees collected by barristers).

2014-12-10 10:15:46 補充:
Without the bills and the actual work products, it is still difficult to make a conclusion.

However, the lawyer who said "係呀,我擺明食你" can be subject to disciplinary action (depending on the proof) for professional misconduct.

2014-12-10 15:58:05 補充:
1. At the least, it can't be "he says, she says".

2. The firm can. However, due to privilege issue, everything must be confidental. So no one outside the firm can know and it can't be disclosed.

A refund is unlikely unless the bills have issues.

2014-12-11 03:37:33 補充:
1. Bottom line - how many people heard that?

2. I think I finally understand what you mean now. Simply saying - a report (or 2) has been done.

But no legal action has been ever filed.

2014-12-11 03:38:44 補充:
In this case, why not trying to do it yourself?

2014-12-11 11:03:40 補充:
Your reason is not really a reason.

Assuming you know what you are doing and talking, your chance of winning/losing is the same as an experienced lawyer specialized in the field.

2014-12-11 11:08:20 補充:
It sounds like the court has drawn a clear line on the issue in dispute. So unless this case has a new twist, it is possible to estimate the court's ruling.

What you have said is simply "又要威,又要戴頭盔".

If you want to fight for it, then you must give up something and bear the risk.

2014-12-11 15:48:32 補充:

For judgments, see here:


For case precedence, see here:


Always use English to search.
2014-12-12 10:24 am

既然你已選定答案, 似乎我答嚟都無用 !!!
只係提醒你, 律師收費, 事前一定要告知你爸爸,
例如收幾錢一個鐘, 要雙方同意, 或簽同意書.
冇簽? 係律師既問題. 口同鼻坳?
佢夠膽開天殺價, 你可以投訴去律師會.
(你唔一定有著數, 但起碼由客觀D既人評定張單, 當然呢D唔係免費).

律師轉聘大律師, 事前一定要得到你爸爸同意.
大律師收費, 事前一定要告知你爸爸.
唔可以無凌兩可既, 知D唔知D既轉聘大律師.
呢兩樣野如果冇得你爸爸同意, 你爸爸唔使負責.
話說回頭, 開會+報告費+每次開會有大律師在場...
打業權官司, 上庭前既單, 四十萬既單... 算少.
至於行政費, 我都唔知佢指乜?
2014-12-11 3:19 am


2014-12-09 7:15 pm

2014-12-09 11:18:28 補充:
2014-12-09 4:54 pm

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