What is your reason for being alive (besides religion)?

2014-12-09 2:49 am

回答 (26)

2014-12-09 2:50 am
Everything besides religion.
2014-12-09 7:53 pm
It would appear to be a result of a sequence of rather startling and unlikely coincidences (besides religion). Firstly there was a singularity that (for reasons unknown) happened to undergo rapid expansion. Characteristics of that expansion permitted the laws of physics as we know them to come into place. Matter formed as a result of condensation from energy already present. Peculiarly there seemed to be an excess of what we call matter over antimatter, otherwise the whole thing would have come to a sorry end.

Matter happened to form clumps that then permitted the formation of large bodies of protons that fused together liberating large amounts of energy. We call these stars. Some of these stars used up their fuel and were large enough to produce even heavier matter. When some of these underwent sufficient change, particularly heavy stars themselves erupted into supernova releasing amounts of heavier elements which themselves started to clump together because of the laws. Remember, I mentioned the laws earlier.

Particularly large clumps formed what we know as planets. One just happened to be in an orbit that we currently call the Goldilocks zone around another star we can the sun; just incredible. On it gasses were released from geological activity that gave the planet an atmosphere. For some reason water came from somewhere, probably collision with smaller lumps of other clumps of matter from much further away (water doesn't typically survive long so close to a sun). The whole thing cooled. BTW, the water happened to concentrate a lot of the minerals which later proves quite useful. Did I mention the center of the planet was iron and spins, creating a magnetic shield against charged particles from the sun?

For some inexplicable reason carbon atoms linked together to form complex self replicating structures. Serious! If I wrote this in a novel, you'd think I was making it up. For some reason, lots of varieties of different self replicating structures just happened to evolve. Some of these converted the water and carbon dioxide into oxygen into the atmosphere. Other of the self replicating structures used the oxygen for fuel and started to move around. One in particular happened to start to think; a toolmaking self replicating structure that over time and due to a sequence of rather incredible coincidences happened to survive and create what we know today as history, making some surprising uses of the minerals found in that one planet. And that indeed, my friend, is history (besides religion).
2014-12-09 3:56 am
Life on Earth is a work of love and the opportunity of various beings to modify their genetic code until the DNA of their birth clutch is better than it was for the parents.
2014-12-09 3:22 am
I live for my family.
2014-12-09 3:14 am
Lack of death...

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you...

2014-12-09 3:23 am
There's no reason for being alive.
2014-12-09 3:07 am
My parents f*cked and here I am, alive.
2014-12-09 2:55 am
My parents got jiggy on their wedding night. Nine months later, I was screaming at the doctor.
2014-12-09 2:53 am
I'm just alive.
Religion has nothing to do with it other than wishing me dead for not agreeing with them.
2014-12-09 2:53 am
To spread the seed of the serpent among Gods children.
2014-12-09 2:52 am
God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit.
2014-12-17 5:55 pm
I live for my family.
2014-12-17 3:27 pm
I live for my family.
2014-12-12 12:01 am
I live for my family.
2014-12-11 11:51 pm
Everything besides religion.
2014-12-11 11:19 pm
Beer mostly
2014-12-11 10:02 pm
Everything besides religion.
2014-12-09 6:04 am
I will say to the north and south, ‘Bring my sons and daughters back to Israel from the distant corners of the earth. Bring all who claim me as their God, for I have made them for my glory. It was I who created them.’” (‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭6-7‬ NLT)

We are all alive to bring Glory to God. That is our purpose. Our reason for being. It may not be what many want to hear but it's the truth. We have free will to satisfy our own desires and attempt to make our own purpose but that is our only reason for being alive.
2014-12-09 3:16 am
My mommy and my daddy did the deed. Blame it on them.
2014-12-09 3:11 am
I'm here to save all of you pathetic earthlings from yourselves. One day, some day, still busy washing out all the poison you've been eating and feeding me my entire life.
2014-12-09 2:53 am
My father being a sperm donor
2014-12-09 2:53 am
i hope cloning can bring me back to life soon.
2014-12-09 2:52 am
Lust for live.
2014-12-09 2:52 am
Fear of death. Not being entirely sure what awaits me on the other side is the silver lining. I will learn something that billions of people have experienced yet billions of other people still speculate on.
2014-12-09 2:52 am
My mudda got really drunk.
2014-12-09 2:52 am
Religion had nothing to do with it I don't think: my mom and dad had sex as far as I know. I don't think any turkey basters were involved. Lol.

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