How can the catholics be shunned if they believe that every church is still going to heaven?

2014-12-08 4:38 am
Would someone be shunned if they left the catholic church? But why do they shun them if they believe every church goes to heaven? How does that make since?
I am not causing any craziness. I am just asking. I realize I might have allot of people be mad at me for questioning it. But I don't mind what people may say because it is for a great purpose. May God bless you for helping.

回答 (9)

2014-12-08 5:10 am
Catholics don't shun those who have left the church. They will always welcome them back.
2014-12-08 4:58 am
Anti-Catholic prejudice.

With love in Christ.
2014-12-08 9:16 am
Catholics don't officially shun people at all.
2014-12-08 5:30 am
I've never heard of shunning before the Amish on TV mentioned it.
2014-12-08 5:01 am
There is no shunning.

In fact in order to be excommunicated from the Catholic Church the individual would have to be a confirmed Catholic and had to have committed a crime against the Catholic Church. But excommunication is not shunning rather the Sacraments which the excommunicated already received can not be undone so they are still baptized and confirmed Catholics. With an excommunication the individual is denied future Sacraments from the Catholic Church with the exception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Penance). And the excommunicated can not be employed by the Catholic Church or hold positions of authority within the Catholic Church. The excommunicated are also denied a Christian burial by the Catholic Church.

The Pope, a Bishop, and a Priest under the authority of their Bishop can excommunicate. In regards to whom can lift an excommunication depends upon the severity of the crime which was committed against the Catholic Church generally an individual excommunicated by the Pope can only have their excommunication lifted by a Pope. Bishops and Priests under the authority of their Bishops can life an excommunication. An excommunication is lifted within the confines of confession in the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Penance).

The crimes against the Catholic Church which can result in an excommunication from the Catholic Church:

- Pretended celebration of the Holy Eucharist (Mass) or conferral of sacramental absolution by one not a Priest.

- Violation of confessional seal by interpreter and others.

- Procuring of abortion.

- Apostasy: The total rejection of the Christian faith.

- Heresy: The obstinate post-baptismal denial of some truth, which must be believed with divine and Catholic faith.

- Schism: The rejection of the authority and jurisdiction of the Pope as head of the Church.

- Desecration of sacred species (Holy Communion).

- Physical attack on the Pope.

- Sacramental absolution of an accomplice in sin against the Sixth and Ninth Commandments.

- Unauthorized Episcopal (Bishop) consecration.

- Direct violation of confessional seal by Confessor.

Other penalties include suspension of a Priest or Deacon from their duties in which they are not permitted to administer Sacraments.

And indirect temporary penalty which can be applied to one or more persons in which they will be denied Sacraments from the Catholic Church. This however is not an excommunication.
2014-12-08 4:59 am
42 God transcends all creatures. We must therefore continually purify our language of everything in it that is limited, image-bound or imperfect, if we are not to confuse our image of God--"the inexpressible, the incomprehensible, the invisible, the ungraspable"--with our human representations.16 Our human words always fall short of the mystery of God

I think is what he meant.

I believe in this.
2014-12-08 4:50 am
Many babies have died at birth, can God still save then or are they condemned? God is God and he knows even the heart of the unborn children. Catholics are no more condemned from or by God than these babies. Unless you can accept God into your life, and he abandon you despite your love for his grace.
2014-12-09 2:34 am
Catholics don't shun people.
2014-12-08 5:06 am
There are people who will do anything. The Catholic church doesn't exactly have a stellar past, what with inquisitions and persecuting the Christians who didn't join the Catholic church (not to mention persecuting unbelievers) and so on. Actually, it has a really horrible past. But even in that past, your average everyday Catholic church member didn't have anything to do with those things and possibly suffered in them.

Technically speaking, it hasn't been so long ago that Catholic doctrine did NOT allow for the salvation of non-Catholics. I think they've softened up on that a LOT, but I don't know whether it's changed officially.

Anyway, that's a good part of the reason the RCC is ill spoken of. People just need to let that go, though, as the RCC, while admittedly exhibiting all the problems of any large organization, still isn't anything like it used to be. The RCs I know are good people and have no problem with people in Protestant churches.

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