2014-12-07 9:22 pm
Hi im looking forward to buying a new rc helicopter and im stuck with two. The sky king 91cm and the t-series t-40 the sky king is £69 and the t-series is £75 so can you tell me which one will be better over all

回答 (1)

2014-12-07 9:51 pm
Neither. Like all cheap electric helicopters they're just toys and you'll quickly tire of them

The reason is the over-simplified controls: to go up, throttle up, to descend, throttle down. The rotor blades have a fixed pitch head and so cannot maintain a constant rotor head speed nor can they fly inverted or perform many other aerobatics. Real helicopters, and non-toy models, control lift by altering the rotor pitch (called "the collective"). Increasing the pitch requires a corresponding increase in throttle as otherwise the rotor head speed would drop, and vice versa. Hovering uses less pitch and a lower throttle setting but the rotor speed is maintained at about the same ideal speed. Negative pitch enables inverted flight (something very few real helis can do).

Those kinds of models cost more but also have full spares support and upgrade mods. Toys don't, so when they crash hard are fit only for the bin. They're also difficult to get to fly in anything more than a very light wind.
參考: Regular Raptor 50 flyer.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 00:51:05
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