prepartion of salt

2014-12-08 4:44 am
A student used copper sulphate solution and salt X to prepare copper chloride salt. X may be
A AgCl
B CaCl2
C PbCl2
D ZnCl2

Plz explain your answer

回答 (1)

2014-12-08 9:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The answer is : (B) CaCl2

(A) false
AgCl is insoluble in water. Normally, the solid of an insoluble salt does not react with a solution of salt.

(B) true
CuSO4 solution contains copper(II) and sulphate ion, while CaCl2 solution contains calcium and chloride ions. When the two solutions are mixed,CaSO4 precipitate is formed, and copper(II) and chloride ions are left in the solution. CuCl2 solution is left when CaSO4 precipitate is filtered off. Crystals of CuCl2 can be obtained by crystallization.

(C) false
PbCl2 is insoluble in water. Normally, the solid of an insoluble salt does not react with a solution of salt.

(D) false
CuSO4 solution contains copper(II) and sulphate ion, while ZnCl2 solution contains zinc and chloride ions. When the two solutions are mixed,there is no reaction. The solution mixture contains the above four ions, and thus it is hardly to separate pure CuCl2 from the solution.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 17:29:13
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