taco cat.... if you make it backwords it spells taco cat
"Freedom" a word that is took for granted by so many.
I have never met a Hamburger that I did not enjoy.
With 18 years in US Military, there were several times I was not sure about what the food was made from, but I ate it anyway.
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
"God" is favorite words. He is great of the world. He helps all time.
Onomatopoeia because supercalifragilisticexpialidocious was taken already.
Comes to mind.
actually there are two words PNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILICOVOLCANOCONIOSIS and Eyjafjallajökull
"Queue" it was so many vowels together. also i like how its pronounced Q, just a letter
My favorite word is Kaleidoscope.
Totalitarian. I enjoy saying this word because of the multiple stressed syllables.
Good luck with your poll
That's not a word you get to use in everyday conversation
Love because this word means so much there is actually no real definition to it. It's only best described by the feeling.
Right now it's "pernicious".
spontaniuous it means doing it all no matter how weird
I don't why I like "swallow" very much when I hear this word at first time.
"FRUGAL" ...(loves how it sounds rolling off the tongue)
"Haphazard" be cause its the only word i know that has a "ph" combo that doesn't make an "F" sound!
"Don't feel away go ahed"
Love is universal... The word love denotes positive good emotions and feelings in all people. God denotes many opposites from fear to respect, hate to love, war to peace. Everyone has positive, sameness responses to love. Few regard the meaning of God in the same way or mfanner.
My favourite word Success
Krumpli - it means potato in hungarian
oh oh i got a goos one, too bad you already picked a best answer but my favorite word in vintage/classic! to ask for.
Moto. And site - . There are a lot of such words))))
The only word that I'm still trying to remember how to say, and the only word I always say in slow motion:
2.Mother and
Pets as they are SO adorable
My favorite word is my mother name
NOWMON-it say`s the same thing upside down backwards...
nostalgic is my favorite word :)
It's actually two words....pickle relish. Just like the way it sounds.
Exacerbate and ramifications.
Photosynthesis, I could not say it for years when I was young so I came to love it!
because, idk why, i just do, it has an e and a b
I have a few words actually: Jesus, Responsibility, Trust, Honor, Honesty, and Freindship.
the universal adjective:****
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
Magoately. I don't even care if it ain't real
Oh wait that's my least favorite...
romance, creativity, sexuality
Mother. next for you specially Alphapet "A"
ubiquitous - just a strange word, imho...
stay with family maybe my happy life