What do those who don't celebrate xmas do over the holiday season?

2014-12-06 10:23 pm

I am one of those who doesn't celebrate xmas or pagan festivals anymore. So I have plenty of time to be more productive during this time of year. Besides, I feel much less stressful and more happier too. No offense to anyone.


Anyway, have a good holiday seasonal break from your stressful work, family gatherings, festive parties and have a happy new year too all.

回答 (2)

2015-10-14 10:17 pm
Play video gams if you have any or listen to music. Don't treat it like a holiday. Treat like any other day
2014-12-06 10:33 pm
Three young boys were describing how they spent Christmas morning.

The Protestant boy said that he and his sister would get up very early and unwrap all their presents which were toys, and they'd play with their toys and look at each other's toys. Then their parents would take them to church and they'd come back and eat their Christmas dinner and then keep playing with all their new toys.

The Catholic boy said that the family would get up very early and go to Mass. Then they'd come back and he and his sister would unwrap all their presents which were toys, and they'd play with their toys and look at each other's toys. Then they'd eat their Christmas dinner and then keep playing with all their new toys.

The Jewish boy said he and his sister got up late on Christmas morning and their father would take them down to his toy shop and they'd look at all the empty shelves. Then they'd sing a quick chorus of "What a friend we have in Jesus" and go to Blooms for a slap-up lunch.
參考: Noah's joke book.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 00:49:21
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