My wife is so damn spoiled!?

2014-12-06 2:26 pm
It was her birthday 2 months ago today- I got her an iPad Air 2 128GB - she wanted one for work, It cost me £700 brand new. She smirked and said "Oh, thank you" and just set it aside and carried on watching Emmerdale as if nothing ever happened?!

I wanted to scream at her.

1 month later, she was like "Oh, my iPad! I forgot I had this! The iPad was STILL in it's sealing! I'm so pissed at her for this! It took me ages to save up for that iPad! I did it all for her!

I'm considering taking it off her and keeping it for myself, because she never uses it. When I bought that up she screamed at me and said NO YOU CANT HAVE IT ITS MINE!

Help me?

回答 (8)

2014-12-06 2:31 pm
Help you with what? Sounds like you got her a gift she didn't really want. That's not the same as being spoiled. In the future either ensure the gift you are considering is something she wants, or simply don't buy her expensive things if she doesn't know how to show appreciation.
2014-12-06 2:28 pm
Just don't bother next time, and if she asks why you have stopped buying her things tell her because she is ungrateful and you require appreciation.
2014-12-06 2:43 pm
She is spoiled.. Next time don't buy her anything.
2014-12-06 4:14 pm
Spoiled? Who knows maybe. Childish? You certainly are.
2014-12-06 5:14 pm
thats hardly spoiled my wife screwed someone else she wanted me to give her one of my vettes thats spoiled and no i still have them i miss my truck but ive got two more i'll get over it
2014-12-06 4:34 pm
where I live if u need smth for work YOUR WORK is buying it for ya. your gift was useless.
2014-12-06 4:05 pm
Bunny, man, please don't feel sad... I don't know why your wife is behaving like that. But i can tell you're a very good husband. Don't let her behavior affect you and don't get mad at her either.. but yeah, it's sad that she doesn't appreciate all the effort that you put into buying her that gift. Do you always buy her expensive gifts? if so.. that might explain her attitude.. she's already used to those expensive gifts.. I think is better to not waste money on expensive gifts and instead give that money to people who actually need it..
God bless you
2014-12-06 2:53 pm
quit buying useless junk
this is on you, not her.

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