Why do people love Christmas so much?

2014-12-06 1:26 pm
I mean, it's about seeing your family, but you can see your family whenever you want?

It's my favourite time of the year, but I don't know why? Why do you love it? Why do most people love it?

Thank You :)

jesus was not born on christmas day

回答 (6)

2014-12-06 2:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I live on the other side of the country from most of my family, and so I can't go and see them whenever I want to. This year I'm unable to leave work until noon on Christmas Day, and I'll get to where they are late in the evening, so I'm going to ask if they'll postpone the party and have Christmas one day late, so that I can be there with them. It's not about presents or food, and in my family it definitely has nothing to do with Christianity, but I get to spend time with them when they're all in the same place, and no one has to rush off to work or get up early for school the next day.
2014-12-06 1:31 pm
1. For many families, it's hard to arrange for everyone to get together at the same time. Christmas is a time that everyone can get together.

2. The concert effect. Your favorite song sounds much better at home on your music system, but at a concert, you're there with other people who are also excited about the same band/song. That shared excitement can be better than just being along listening to a song.

3. For many people, the birth of Jesus is a very important day.

4. It's a special day. You give gifts. You put on special outfits. You decorate. (See: concert effect)

5. Many people actually find it depressing. It's a lot of pressure to buy gifts and be happy, and people who aren't feeling happy can feel worse. It's one of the days with the highest suicide rate.
2014-12-06 6:49 pm
i love the athmosphere
2014-12-06 4:05 pm
I like the lights, decorations, and holiday festive foods. I enjoy shopping for the "perfect" gift for my kids.

I have a different religions holiday at this time of year, so Christmas is a cultural holiday for me.
2014-12-06 1:43 pm
Christmas is a beautiful holiday that brings cheer and laughter to everyone.
2014-12-06 1:34 pm

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